Women Education and Gender Justice: A Multi-Dimensional Approach

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Man and Women are two equal familial social life partners. They have to perform more or less, though slightly equal, family life roles. According to old social traditions, the man in supposed to earn and sustain the family’s whole expenses. And the women is supposed to bring up and mould children and manage the household affairs. As such, the women is supposed to be the epicenter of love, affection and care of the children and a source of homogeneity, sociability, hospitality, creativity and familial education. This is why the women was given due reverence in the society in the past. And still the women are respected. All virgin girls were respected and very often were worshipped in all Indian families. Still young girls are worshipped in Hindu families in Navratras which occur twice a year. Many elders even in the present hedonistic age do not eat food cooked by the girls, who are virgin and unmarried. The father of the writer of this book even did not accept water offered by a virgin girl. Though such a situation did not and, still does not exist in many countries. In India also people, in the present hedonistic age, do not believe in such dogmatism.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Janardan Prasad

Janardan Prasad has a long experience of teaching at the Department of Education (Central Institute of Education), University of Delhi, Delhi. He is a self-education man. He did his educational and technical equations while he was working. He did his Certificate in Carpentery and Advance diploma in wood working from Government Technical Institute, Gwalior and Government Wood Working Institute, Jallandher, Punjab. National Diploma in fine Art from Government College of Art, Delhi and B.Ed., M.Ed. and M.A. Philosophy from Delhi University and M.A. in Sociology from Meerut University. He contributed in the field of Education, Sociology by writing books.


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Women Education and Gender Justice: A Multi-Dimensional Approach
1st ed.
xvi+264p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.