Health of women qua women provides an excellent entry point for a sensitive analysis of gender issues in India—both symbolically as well as in practical terms. Whether reproductive health of women should be treated as a separate programmatic area or looked upon as part and parcel of primary health care is an issue which has been debated at length in recent times. While debating points can be scored on both sides, success stories in women’s reproductive health care in India, many of these from NGO experiences, have shown that rarely ever have these treated women’s reproductive health problems in isolation from their general life situations. This book is a collection of papers and proceedings of a seminar on ‘Gender, Health and Reproduction’ organized by the Institute of Social Studies. Trust in November 1995. The seminar brought together academics as well as activists working in the area of community and reproductive health and women’s issues, and provided a forum for stimulating discussions among experts from diverse backgrounds around the central theme of women’s health. This collection of papers will be useful to all those who are interested in women’s reproductive health issues, especially those who wish to see it in the context of public policy and community involvement.
Women’s Health, Public Policy and Community Action
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Women’s Health, Public Policy and Community Action
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