Women’s Reproductive Health in India

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"This well-researched anthology provides, for the first time, a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the reproductive and sexual health of women in India. Ten papers by eminent scholars synthesis what is known about every dimension of the reproductive health situation in India, ranging from the situation of adolescents, to the magnitude and patterns of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections. Chapters cast a wide net, combining information from the social science and bio-medical literature, highlighting women’s perspectives and women’s needs. While they address different aspects of reproductive health, what is notable is the considerable overlap and consistency in findings. Chapters collectively underscore the poor reproductive health situation in the country and draws attention to the socio-cultural and programmatic factors that have acted to impede women’s attainment of reproductive health and informed reproductive choice. Unique in its wide coverage of issues and its multidisciplinary approach, this book will be of interest to policy makers, researchers and students in the fields of health and development, demography and gender studies, and programme managers in women’s and men’s health projects both within and outside the government. The evidence that is synthesised in these chapters will be central in informing the design and content of forthcoming empirical research and programming on sexual and reproductive health in India."


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Women’s Reproductive Health in India
1st ed.
460p., 22cm.