WTO: Cancun and Beyond

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A desire for international economic growth and stability through trade promotion led to the formation of GATT in 1948 and later the WTO. But the WTO is seen as being biased towards developed countries instead of fostering global trade objectively. However talks in Doha reached a consensus due to good relations between the developing and developed countries.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Y. Chandra Sekhar

Y Chandra Sekhar holds an MBA degree from Kakatiya University. He has been associated with the ICFAI University for over four years. He regularly contributes articles to the Chartered Financial Analyst magazine. He has also contributed articles to various other ICFAI publications. He is presently working as Assistant Editor in ICFAI University Press, an affiliate of the ICFAI University. (He is also the Consulting Editor of The ICFAI Journal of Derivatives Markets). His areas of interest include Financial Markets, Business environment and International trade.


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WTO: Cancun and Beyond
1st ed.
x+227p., 23cm.