WTO: Concept, Challenges and Global Development

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We have come a long way since GATT was initially established in 1947. During the last 50 years, we have striven progressively to lower barriers to trade all over the world. We have negotiated long and hard and endeavoured to understand and accommodate the interests of all countries and groups of countries. The Uruguay Round Agreements represent a major step forward in our efforts. The establishment of the WTO has created a forum for continuous negotiations to reconcile the sometimes conflicting interests of trading partners. The book covers various aspects of the issues relating to the working and performance of the WTO. It also articulate the problem of developed and developing countries in general and those of India in particular. This book is useful for all faculty members and students of management, professionals and policy planners. The author have tried to keep the language very simple, lucid and racy — so that you are inspired to read on. Every effort has been made to present the discussion is clear, and in systematic manner. The presentation of each chapter has been made more logical, starting with basic issues of each topic and then moving on to refined matters.


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WTO: Concept, Challenges and Global Development
1st ed.