This book elaborates an innovative life-style intervention programme to avoid heart surgery. It comprises Yogic exercises, Yogasanas, Pranayama, Preksha Meditation, Stress management and Dietary regulations. It is a composite programme to quietly manage the silent killer-coronary heart disease. It will not only help avoid bypass surgery but also will pave the way for even reversal of the disease. In addition to theoretical description, step by step details of the practicals and exercises to be followed is the beauty of this book. The book, besides a nice combination of modern science and ancient art of Yoga, is indispensable for any one who wants to feel better, ease the daily stress, and gain the energy to undertake daily routine with vigour. The book will prove very useful for CHD patients for therapeutic purpose as well as for common man to lead a disease free, happy, healthy and peaceful life.
Yogic Cure to Avoid Heart Surgery
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Yogic Cure to Avoid Heart Surgery
1st Ed.
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