Aayu Publications
55 books
Digital library is a special library with a focused collection of digital objects that can include: text, visual material, audio material, video material, stored as electronic media formats, along with means for organizing, storing, and retrieving the files and media contained in the library collection. Digital libraries can vary immensely in size and scope, and can be maintained by individuals, organizations, or affiliated with established physical library ...
Inclusive growth is a not new term in social sciences. Inclusive growth is not just about individuals at a micro level. At a macro level, it is about sectors and regions too. The Government of India declared the year 2001 as the year of 'new growth and development' but the way to reach this stage has been long and difficult. Absence of inclusive growth can lead to uneven development in sectors and regions of an economy since economic growth can act as a launch ...
1975 in 33 blocks and used Below Poverty Line as a criteria for delivery of services. Follow up of 2004 Supreme Court order, ICDS expanded in 2005 to cover the entire country. The objectives of the Integrated Child health Development are to control infant mortality, maternal mortality, under 5 mortality, to save children's health (below six year), to save mothers and malnutrition eradication for which the Anganwadi “Courtyard Shelter” is a ...
The Unfortunate Indian' is a novel presented by fictional characters on historical reality in thirty chapters of a single but zigzag, multifaceted and multi-coloured story. It's a revelation of the human struggle in progression for living a moralistic life of higher human values in the realistic circumstances of utter poverty, social dislocation and hostile environment. Across the interactions of the featured characters, the novel has rendered itself to be ...
The book entitled "The Eyes of the World" contains the biographies of sixty-one great Lotsawas (Translators) of the Snow Land (Tibet) who played a crucial role in opening the eyes and generating a good heart of the people of Tibet through the translation of the Buddhavacana from Sanskrit to Tibetan and enabling them to study and comprehend it.
The book titled The Torch Bearers contains one hundred and six biographies of the Indian Buddhist Personalities including the Sixteen Sthaviras, popularly known as the Sixteen Arhats, and the Seven Successors of Shakyamuni Buddha, and also an appendix containing the descriptive glossary of some important Buddhist terminologies as well as some Buddhist Pantheons which have been used in the book.
Sickle Cell Anemia is a complex inherited autosomal recessive Hemoglobin disease/disorder. It is not only generate the illness but also responsible for stigma in the society. Through the stigma the patients and their family members become more sufferers throughout their life. The mismanagement causes death before medication of the patients. So, there is a need of awareness about sickle cell anemia for various groups of the people like medical personal, ...
This book is the outcome of a National Seminar on ‘Anthropology of Traditional Indian food’ organized by Anthropological Association (AA), Mysore, held on 12th-14 March 2013. Eminent scholars from all over India participated and presented papers in the seminar on themes such as food and health care, food and nutrition, food and cultural beliefs, food and language, ...
This book is an out come built upon manifold experiences of the author; her learning and teaching experience from incipient stages of the profession as a university teacher to teach Buddhist architecture to undergraduate students, innumerable field visits to Buddhist sites of the region of Gujarat for firsthand experience, understanding as well as for accumulation of Buddhist heritage data; and subsequently designing, developing and curating an exhibition on ...
Bio-deterioration of stone works is mainly due to bio-film formation, bio-corrosion caused by organic and inorganic acids, redox processes on cations from the mineral lattice and physical penetration by microbial communities. Our cultural property or stone monumental structures and other ancient buildings are particularly susceptible to these factors. As usual growing on the surface of stone monuments, various microorganisms also colonize the interior of the ...
The book presents a comprehensive and critical study regarding the ancient temple sculptures of Assam. The complete work focus upon the aesthetic as well as the historical aspects of the temple sculptures of Assam. The work highlights the sculptural development of Assam with special reference to the Daparbatiya Temple, Kamakhya Temple, Deoparbat Temple, Madan Kamdeva Temple, Pingaleswar Temple and Hayagriva Madhava Temple. A detailed study is accomplish to ...
The exploration carried out on the right bank of river Daya in Distt. Khurda Odisha covering 112 locations has unfolded new facets of archaeology in the region. The habitations on the river valley particularly in the coastal area during the Neolithic chalcolithic time have thrown fresh lights on the settlement pattern. The outcome of the exploration supported by photographs of antiquarian remains has been given in this book with the objective to provide mostly ...
This book 'Indo-Bhutan Relations in Modern Times: A Study of Bilateral Relations' is the first of its kind reflecting the multidimensional aspects of relations between India and Bhutan, two south Asian countries to have been in a bond of Model Relationship, environed by the Himalayas and its neighbourhood, so far considered the best between a big and a small country in the world. Apart from the issues of strategic, communicational, cultural and security-related ...
This book helps in developing strategies for academic research and research projects in India Music. It suggests step by guidance to conduct research easily. It provides concepts of research. including its purposes. criteria. charcteristics etc. It covers different research methods and methodologies in the context of Indian music. It also helps to understand the importance of a good research and how to proceed for it. This book explains about the most substantial ...