Adarsh Enterprises

38 books
This book sets out major beliefs and practices which form Hinduism today. It is about living religion - what it is to be Hindu in today's world. It depicts the rich colour and diversity of the many dimensions of Hinduism and deals with the fundamental beliefs which underpin the religion. Contents include the Hindu concept of God; samsara, the cycle of reincarnation; karma, the law of course and effect; dharma, what is right; moksa, the final goal of ...
The Great Stupa of Boudhanath is the principal place of pilgrimage in Nepal for ethnic Tibetans. This little book contains all you need to know about the legends, history,symbolism and worship of this magnificent monument. The Tibetan "Legend of the Great Stupa" contains the prophecy of the ruination of Tibet- and its renaissance!
This book has been planned as an in-depth study of Rara village with enough information. The lucid style of the book makes its readers enthusiast the most important advantage is that it diligently goes to political autonomy and economic dependence in former Nepalese community. It also traces three castes - Sah, Thakuris, Chetris and Doms who inhabited in Rara village. Also the book provides an analysis of the economic relationship and the kinship systems of ...
Introduction to the Principles of Repertorisation is intended and designed to fill the necessity of a comprehensive manual that provides the learning resources for the under undergraduate Homeopathy students, as well as, anyone who is interested in Homoeopathic Repertory. The information provided in the book is in two distinct parts--Case taking and the study of Repertory. The part on Case faking has certain innovating features like the thrust provided for the ...
A To study the origin and growth of Tibetan literature and the landmarks in the history of language, there were only two periods of literary activity. However overcoming of all these, this Tibetan English dictionary is giving an assertive step to the authentic way of thorough language study. The dictionary provides meaning with Sanskrit synonyms. The detailed linguistic explanations are making the dictionary rich and authentic. In analysing with philosophical ...
The book is worth reading by the Nepalese and the foreign reading public to get an insight into the Nepalese involvement in the World Wars I and II and the pitiful life led by the Nepalese s. H.L. Singh, the Rising Nepal. Mani Dixit is a Nepalese born at Kathmandu, Come Tomorrow, his third work of fiction, is about fortunes of a Gurkha family during the first seventy-five years of the 20Century. The setting is Nepal and Burma, the present day Myanmar.
This second edition of the Sikhs, like its predecessor, is an dispensible comprehensive and reliable guide to anyone with an interest in Sikh religion and community. Sikhism is increasingly capturing the attention of students and scholars of history and sociology, as well as religion.A number of important developments affecting the Sikh community have taken place since 1978 when this book originally appeared. First , the Sikh Dispersion has become firmly ...
Animal Farm, is a typical satirical and political novel from the ever known author, George Orwell. In this narration readers go through a world of animals living with a different code of law. Orwell says though Animal Farm was primarily a satire on the Russian Revolution it was intended to have a vast application. That kind of revolution, which he defined as 'violent conspiratorial revolution led by unconsciously power hungry people', could only lead to a change ...
This book begins by posing and answering the question: "What is Buddhism?" Later sections include: the beliefs and practices of the Mahayana and Theravada schools with particular emphasis on the four main Mahayana schools of Nichirin, Tibetan, Zen and Pure Land; the Four Noble Truths; the Buddhist Councils; rebirth; meditation; festivals; concepts of reality; and yoga. The book ends with a look at the state of Buddhism in the world today and discusses ...
This book will provides a timely and insightful guide to one of the world's most vital religions, a religion that today can count more than 300 million followers.The author considers the early history of the religion, beginning with a detailed account of the life and teachings of Buddha himself. The subsequent spread of Buddhist doctrine is traced across the East from India to china and beyond, while great care is taken to explore the particular forms that the ...
Nowhere is the feminine dimension of the divine more omnipresent, vibrant and alive than in Hinduism. Lynn Foulston's work stands out through its great attention to local details relating to their diverse locations, their rich phenomenology, here documented by new visual evidence, their presence and power in people's lives, and the joyous celebration of their existence and influence through numerous rituals and festivities. It is a joy to read this book, ...
Nepali Aama is a delightful photo journey into the life of a woman remarkable for her strength, humor and deep-rooted wisdom. Born almost a century ago in to the Gurung tribe, her given name was Vishu Maya Gurung, but her relatives and villagers call her Aama (mother). She speaks with a salty candor about her everyday world - farming her rice paddies and millet fields, vigorously climbing trees to gather fodder for her water buffalo, brewing herbs and trekking ...
This book tries to make the visitor to Nepal or someone interested in the country, familiar about the different aspects. A total of 153 nonsense verses, accompanied by line drawings are presented on 14 different aspects of Nepal. This unusual presentation tries to give the interested reader a completely different picture of the various aspects of the country. These range from the land its people, to historical, literary, sporting, religious and last not least ...
BIRDS from a spectacular land in 152 color plates. BIRDS OF NEPAL describes, in field guide from, nearly tenth of the known birds in the world. Over 1,000 individuals are shown, all in color, representing 753 species. All data on the birds are given on the page facing the illustrations to facilitate quick identifications. This is the first time this important format has been used to cover an exclusively Asian area. There are 152 color plates in the book. Besides ...
Nepal remains, at the beginning of this second quarter of the twentieth century, an independent kingdom, full of antiquities and relics of the past, dowered with the wealth from mine and forest, peopled from both the northern and the southern civilizations of Asia - remains too, the last survivor of those Indian communities who stood for civilization, learning and culture when Europe was still in the darkest period of its history. She alone among Asiatic Powers ...