Asia Pacific Business Press
101 books
Proteins play an important role in nutrition, taste, allergies, texture, structure, processing and yield performance. In the food industry, proteins are a key element of our diet and an important ingredient for food technologists. The total protein component of milk is composed of numerous specific proteins. Isolated milk protein products represents an important and valuable source of protein ingredients due to their recognized superior nutritional, organoleptic ...
Bamboo is an important non-wood forest product. In India, bamboo, which is traditionally considered the poor man's wood, and labelled as green gold is being considered a major export item by the centre for the global market. Bamboo is perfectly suited to agro-forestry as a woody grass. Bamboo has been exploited from natural stands from time immemorial. Bamboo is increasingly being cultivated like other agricultural crops, that is, in professionally managed ...
Tea is one of the most popular beverages that are being consumed all over the world. Tea is known as a soothing drink and a way of life. Tea offers tremendous scope of emerging as practical chemo preventive included in a healthy diet for protection of the general consumers by lowering the risk of different types of cancer.
Growing tea requires sufficient amount of work and there is additional level of work that must be incorporated to harvest it. Tea is ...
Alkyd resins are the synthetic resins which have a dominant position among the synthetic resins with respect of production volume and the frequency of the use in paint and varnish materials. Despite the growing popularity of acrylic, polyurethane and epoxy resins, alkyd resins remain highly favoured among paint producers for its variability of compositions and better value for money.
Experts believe that the total consumption of paint and varnish materials will ...
Natural products have played an important role throughout the world in treating and preventing human diseases. Natural product medicines have come from various materials including terrestrial plants, terrestrial microorganisms, organisms etc. Historical experiences with plants as therapeutic tools have helped to introduce single chemical entries in modern medicine.About 40% of the drugs used are derived from natural sources. Most are pure substances which are ...
Cosmetics products are created for application on the body for the purpose of cleansing, beautifying or altering appearance and enhancing attractive features. Cosmetics have become a range and are considered to be essential commodities of life. The role of cosmetics in everyday life met greater acceptability. It was realized by social and medical scientists that cosmetics not only adore but they exercise psychological effect on users and especially on the skin. ...
Fruits and vegetables are an important nutritional requirement of human beings as these foods not only meet the quantitative needs to some extent but also supply vitamins and minerals which improve the quality of the diet and maintain health. It is, therefore, necessary to make them available for consumption throughout the year in fresh or processed/preserved form. Fruit, vegetables and oil seeds processing is one to the pillars of the food and edible oil ...
Nanoscience is an interdisciplinary field that have encompassed physics, biology, engineering chemistry and computer science, among others, the prefix nano appears with increasing frequency in scientific journals and the news. Thus, as we increase our ability to fabricate computer chips with smaller features and improve our ability to cure disease at the molecular level, nanotechnology is at the doorstep. Scientists and engineers believe that the fabrication of ...
"The prime consideration in the choice of textile materials is the purpose for which they are intended, but colour has been termed the best salesman in the present scenario. The modern tendency is towards an insistence on colour, which is fast to light, washing, rubbing, and bleaching, this movement makes a great demand on the science of dyeing. Auxiliaries, dyes and dye intermediates play a vital role in textile processing industries. The book covers ...
"Citrus fruits are produced all around the world. They contain healthy nutrition content that works wonders for the body. Citrus fruits act as a fabulous source of vitamin C and a wide range of essential nutrients required by the body. India only represents a mere 4% of global citrus fruit production. But now-a-days, there is a rise in its cultivation. This rise in citrus production is mainly due to the increase in cultivation areas and the change in ...
Being consumable in daily life soap industry is profoundly lucrative with splendid market potential. This industry has very good future prospects. Many more new units are recommended to meet the requirement of Indians demand. The book covers formulae, processes of different type of washing and toilet soaps. It is very useful book for new entrepreneurs, technocrats and research laboratories, technical libraries and for those who wants to diversify into this field.
Starch is a group of poly saccharides, composed of glucopyranose units joined together by glucosidric linkages. Industrially, starch is broadly divided in to two types of viz, natural and modified. The characteristics of the natural starches are changed by chemical are enzymatic reaction and the products of these reactions are termed modified starches. Starch can be obtained from maize, sorghum, roots and tubers such as tapioca, arrow root, potatoes etc. This ...
The small scale enterprise sector is a dynamic and vibrant segment of the Indian Economy. By march-2000 this sector accounted for 40% of the industrial production, 35% of the total exports and provides employment to over 17 million through over 3 million small enterprises across the country. These small Enterprises manufactures a wide range of more than 7500 products, ranging from inexpensive consumer goods and services to technically advanced products, meeting ...
The first and paramount problem faced by an entrepreneur is "WHAT TO PRODUCE"? Academic qualifications are not prerequisites for setting up a successful industry. It is necessary for the entrepreneur to have qualities like ability to plan, Maintain good public relation, Reasonable risk taking capacity and of course have adequate financial resources. The first step towards setting up an industry is the identification of product and feasible product line ...
Despite tremendous growth of synthetic polymers as substitute of wool fibre, the interspecial of national ovine and caprine assets not only holds firm ground on the socio-economic culture of rural products and but makes its presence felt and still, by virtue of its sartorial usefulness, pervades almost all segments and shapes of society. Wool fibre production technology necessitates full understanding of its growth, pristine structure, physical, chemical and ...
The book covers manufacturing processes formulae of various types of Synthetic resins with their applications.
The Government has announced series of steps to promote industrial development by way of rationalization of the policies to encourage the new entrepreneurs as well as existing units. This book is a unique guideline for those who are looking for starting a new business and wants to start some industry with the help of different concerned departments. It also covers the export guidelines. We are confident that this book will prove to be important guidelines for new ...
The Printing and Writing Ink industries have grown significantly during the last decade. Particularly printing ink industry is characterised by exceeding high margin profit. Having in view we have published this book which will be mile stone for the entrepreneurs, existing units, libraries etc. . The book contains formulae, processes and other related information of various printing and writing inks.
The beginning of ink making are something of a mystery. It is certain however, that the development of the art of writing proceeded the invention of ink by almost a thousand years. Prior to the invention of ink the ancients wrote with a pointed metal stylus on tablets of stone and clay. In this book an attempt has been made to bring together the useful manner as possible the fundamental Principles of ink making. The book contains formulae processes and other ...
The paper conversion sectors are assuming increasingly important place in the life of every nation. Conversion technology is being evolved continuously for having better conversion, handling, transportation, preservation and usage of materials. Paper and Pulp industry plays a vital role towards conversion. In view of the close linkage between paper and conversion industry we have tried to come out with this unique book containing relevant and useful information ...
The pulp and paper industry continues to expand at a phenomenal rate. This imposes a difficult problem of selection. Since the amount of material that can be included in a single volume is obviously limited. Careful thought has been given to the selection with the purpose of presenting that material which will be of the greatest interest to the greatest numbers. This informative book will be helpful for paper technologist, paper chemists and scientists related to ...
Papers are mostly used product starting from writing to packaging. It plays an important role in commercial field as well as in academic field also. Without paper nothing is expressable and reliable. So paper is part and parcel of our life. Adequate amount of raw materials for processing paper and pulp is available. Technology has made it easy to process these raw materials in a economic and lucrative way to meet the global demand. Raw materials like, straw, ...
India has come a long way in the field of manufacture of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals. From a country importing more than 95% of its requirement of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, India now is exporting it even to developed countries. The modern Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is recent and its foundation was laid in the beginning of the current century. The pharmaceutical industry can be broadly categorised as Bulk Drugs, Formulations, IV Fluids and Pharmaceutical Aids ...