Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh

511 books
This book covers 500 species of butterflies that have been recorded in Uttarakhand since the 1880’s. The book contains photographs of each of the butterfly species and provides key features to identifying them. Species photographs include images taken in nature as well as museum specimens to show their distinctive features. Short notes on the natural history of the butterflies are also included. This field guide was prepared to promote butterfly tourism in ...
The genus Opegrapha sensu lato in India is revised. It deals with the detailed account of Opegrapha, known so far from India, based on comprehensive investigations on the types and voucher specimens deposited in various Indian and foreign herbaria viz., AMH, ASSAM, BM, BSA, BSHC, CAL, G, GLAM, hb, AWAS, H-NYL, L, LWG, LWU, M, PBL, S, TUR AND W, additional live collections and relevant literature. All the earlier erroneously identified herbarium collections were ...
The book is an important and excellent contribution to the Indian Bryofloristics. As such central India has been neglected by Indian Bryologists, hence the present contribution is a worthy addition to our existing knowledge. The book coveres the bryophytes of Amarkantak of Madhya Pradesh and Achanakmar Sanctuary of Chhatisgarh. The book includes scientifically accurate taxonomic descriptions of 92 taxa belonging to 50 genera of assigned to 30 families of ...
Climate change and its variability are emerging as the major challenges influencing the performance of Indian agriculture. Long term changes in shifting weather patterns result in changing climate, which threatens agricultural activity and productivity through high and low temperature regimes, increased rainfall variability, melting of glaciers and rising sea levels that potentially deteriorate coastal freshwater reserves and increase risk of flooding. The ...
Scope of the work:
Generic names have been used as markers through which light has been thrown on the Botanical History of the region. Influences which have influenced a botanist’s career and the resultant influences on other botanists creating a web of information. From volume two onwards attempts have been made to provide brief biographical data on associated of person honoured, wherever possible.
A detailed index has been prepared eponyms of persons ...
Scope of the work:
Generic names have been used as markers through which light has been thrown on the Botanical History of the region. Influences which have influenced a botanist’s career and the resultant influences on other botanists creating a web of information. From volume two onwards attempts have been made to provide brief biographical data on associated of person honoured, wherever possible.
A detailed index has been prepared eponyms of persons ...
The Flora of Jaunsar Bawar (Chakrata Hills, Western Himalaya) with notes on Ethnobotany is based on all historical collections made during the past more than 150 years housed in CAL, DD, BSD and BSIS herbaria. The present endeavour embodies the painstaking work and fresh collections by the author since 1977. It comprises 1289 species of angiosperms spread over 689 genera and 156 families arranged as per Bentham and Hooker with split families. Detailed description ...
Ferns and fern-allies are especially well represented in India and are conspicuous almost everywhere by their beautiful and intricately varied foliage. Yet this fascinating group of plants is often rather widely misunderstood due to their great complexity in the area and to a considerable degree of variation, with many erroneous accounts having been published on them in the past. In addition, the last published book covering the whole of India accurately was a ...
The present book provides comprehensive information for the identification of flowering plants of Telangana State, is the prerequisite for sustainable management of these natural resources and documenting the plant diversity of India. K.N. Reddy and C. Sudhakar Reddy together made immense contributions to the Flora of Telangana. The flowering plants of Telangana collected by earlier workers has been cited in the ‘Flora of Andhra Pradesh’ by Pullaiah ...
The present Manual is on the biodiversity of freshwater algae of temple tanks of Kerala which is a special type of lentic ecosystem prevalent in several parts of South India. A total number 94 temple tanks were studied and 274 taxa of algae belonging to genera under chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Euglenphyceae and other smaller groups of algae were recorded. Digital images of all the taxa are presented. The highlight of the manual is the ...
Soil biodiversity emerged as a global agenda of research and management only since last decade when the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UN-CBD) set out a programme of work on agricultural biodiversity. Agricultural development approaches targeting high levels of biodiversity, efficient of use of local resources and optimization of multiple service/functions (e.g. food/feed production, climate regulation, resilience and clean water supply) of ...
This book deals with all the species, subspecies and varieties of the genus Carex L. (cyperaceae) found in the Kashmir Himalaya, the north-western biogeographic zone in India, and an important centre of distribution of carices in SE Asia. This study is based on extensive field survey and collection of carices from the entire Kashmir Himalaya by the first and second author from 2004 to 2010. More than 1000 specimens collected by them, as well as a large number of ...
This book provides a snapshot but contemporary regulatory mechanism relating to the utilization of NTFPs and medicinal plants and a policy on the same. The authors have tried to identify the gaps in the NTFP and medicinal plant sectors and also suggest solutions to plug those gaps through a policy framework. The book is divided into six chapters. The introductory chapter gives the contexts of study and the conceptual framework of the medicinal plant sector, ...
Lady's Slipper or Slipper Orchids are an extremely well known group of orchids. They are popularly called Lady's slippers because of the presence of a highly modified pouch-like lip or labellum, which looks similar to a lady's slipper. They are highly priced and much sought after in the floriculture industry as potted plants as well as cut flowers due to their enchantingly attractive, colourfull blooms and ability to remain fresh for several weeks.
The presently ...