CBH Publications

59 books
The different major health problems encountered in day to day life and during the life time of a native have been analysed exhaustively based on detailed individual case studies. How to analyse the oncoming of diseases and reasons based on general astrology and Krishnamurthy padhathi and the planetary significations for each case are detailed.
With the help of stellar astrology (Natal as well as horary) one can pinpoint the diseases of ailments and give guidance ...
Jathakachandrika is a handy pamphlet in Sanskrit with English commentary by B Suryanarain Row. It is a work of great suggestiveness and contains really valuable information necessary for a beginner. He first takes reader throuhg the planetary aspects, then the good and evil which accrue planets from ownership, association and conjunction. He describes Rajayoga, the combinations for longevity, with the summary of results for the 12 zodiacs. The author expounds ...
The Present work Shatpanchasika in an important work for the learning of Prasna sastra, one of the branches of Jyotisha. The Author Prithuyasas the son of Varahamihira has condensed in 50 slokas several aspects of query, the prasna sastra, one is prompted to study every sloka. The subjects covered in the seven chapters are General Principles, Travelling and returning, success and defeat, auspicious and inauspicious symptoms, queries about one abroad, recovery of ...
Prasna Jnana deals with several aspects of Prasna on the model of the Shatpanchasika. The Commentator and Translator Sri V.SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI, has very well explained the sanskrit slokas with a detailed commentary in English, the different aspects of the Horary Principles as elucidated in the work. The present work is considered as one of the pioneers in the field. It is admitted by all that this branch of horary is as important as any other areas of ...
This translation of Brihath Jathaka by N Chidambram Iyer has been long out of print and not many know of this commentary. The interesting part of this commentary is that he gives the meaning of the verses and then adds his own notes on the text. At some places these are extensive. Also he has converted these text into modern mathematical models in degrees and minutes and has attributed the data to degrees and minutes. Also he has compared the indian system ...
These Collection of Articles by veteran astrologer and author, Sri V S Kalyanraman present his thoughts on various aspects of Indian Astrology. Some of these articles were presented as lectures in different conferences and written for erstwhile astrological magazines. These articles have been re-edited and presented in a cogent manner.
The Ashtakavarga system of prediction is a unique concept which has its roots in Vedic Astrology. Ashtakavarga can be used for very accurate predictions on various aspects of native astrology. This makes Ashtaka varga a very useful tool in today’s age. The Ashtakavarga becomes a good tool for prediction in combination with transit astrology and the results are different when applied with the Ashtakavarga system. The Basic principles of ...
Gulika is a sensitive point in the Zodiac emerging at different points on different days. Its longitude is calculated like that of the Planets and is marked in the horoscope along with the other longitudes. Though rich and varied effects – good and bad – are attributed to Gulika in Kerala basic treatises, like Prasnamarga, other basic treatises in Astrology like Parasahora etc. are silent on Gulika. The present work Gulika in Astrology is a compendium ...
Krishnamurthy Paddhathi has been hailed as a better tool in predicting accurately modern day to day events by using the sub lord theory and the number system devised by him.
In the Introductory chapters, a short introduction about the concepts of planets, signs, Houses, etc. from the point of view of Steller astrology based on Krishnamurthi paddhathi has been introduced. Based on Steller astrology as practiced in Krishnamurti Paddhati, the author has tried to ...
The individual characteristics of the zodiacal houses have its own importance in assessing behavior of the native as projective by the Astrological charts. The chapters in the book portray the different facets as depicted as depicted by these houses Based on the Divisional charts, each house presents a different character of the person.
The chapters like Hora and trimsamsa on rectitude, Drekkana swaroopa Adhana and, Aberrations in female character, Spiritual ...
The book is a compilation of YOGAS that are specific planetary combinations, identifiable in any horoscope, which are deemed to have the special power and capacity of bringing forth some explicit results, good or bad. They are found in abundance and lie scattered by mention, in the various astrological texts of yore. Though technically any conjunction of planets can go under the classification of yoga, the ancient astrological treatises have identified some of ...
Planetary dispositions and Marital Affairs is the first book of its kind based on research oriented papers. Marriage is a landmark in one’ life. In Hindu society it is a sacramentand something more beyond a contractual agreement to live together. The couples join together for furtherance of Dharma and begetting worthy children. Thus, marital affairs attain supreme importance in human beings. A blissful marital life is an asset while a disturbed and ruined ...
This introductory book on chandi yagna deals with the benefits of the yagna, as it can aid in clearing off the obstacles and hurdles on the path to success. Goddess Durga, the chief deity of this yagna will gift the performers with the power to balance the passion and dispassion, indulgence and denial. She is the sum total of the energies of all beings of this universe. The Vhandi Yagna and the Deity - Chandi is a very fierce and powerful deity. By performing the ...