Harman Publishing House

82 books
In the present volume it is mainly intended to make an iconographical study of the less-known temples of Karmarashtra region with special focus on the religious imagery of the Chennakesava temple at Macherla, Trivikramasvami temple at Pedda Cherukuru and Ramalingesvara temple at Satyavolu besides discussing the art and iconography of the temples of Palnad region and Nalgonda district. The study has fulfilled its objectives in bringing to light for the first time ...
The studies on Vaisnavism became pan-Indian or even world-wide. On its theology and on its spread numerous works have appeared, but there are few works, which describe the historical background of Andhra in which Vaisnavism has spread and the modifications it underwent and their significance. In this context, the Southern region i.e. Tamilnadu received attention and several studies have been published. In contrast to these studies, work on Vaisnavism in Andhra is ...
As elsewhere in India the Andhra country is also an agro-oriented economy since historical times. Needless to say, to boost up such economy, proper water management is indispensable. Either rain or river dependence to improve the agricultural produce, harnessing the available waters, was well recognized even during the vedic period, nay in the Harappan culture itself. Coming down to the historical period the best example for the advanced ...
As the popular saying in the great epic---Mahabharata goes, "Whatever is here, that will be seen around the world outside. What is not here, will not be found anywhere else in the world". These are the words of none other than the Sage Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa, the renowned compiler of this epic. And this is the reason why the Mahabharata is called the Fifth Veda, apart from the well known four Vedas.The Mahabharata has 18 books called Parvans and a Khila ...
Ethno Marine Archaeology' is a monograph of collected papers on Ethnographical Studies of South Indian boats and new interpretations of archaeological data on the maritime contacts of the subcontinent in two sections: Ethnographic Studies and Marine Archaeology. Both the sections have a lead article, which initiates the study of the respective section. Ethnic background of South Indian history provides the opening for the archaeology section, and a note on ...
As we emerege into the 21st century and classical dance styles are well established, the question of new choreography looms before us. What are the parameters of a dance style to enable new choreography within that style. Could themes be altered? Is language an issue? Could the music be altered? Finally, how can a classical dance style transcend its specificity in space and become universal, or is that an impossibility? In other words, can a dance style such as ...
This book is basically based on field work and partially on published materials and elaborates the Ethno-Socio-Cultural history of the Sutradharas in Bengal. The quality of presentation of this book is new one in Ancient Indian History and Culture. The long association of the author with the Sutradhara community enriched his knowledge on them and tried to spell out the art activities of this community in a critical manner. We have history of art objects or ...
Great activity and enthusiasm in the field of construction helped in evolving a system of laying down the norms for the same in ancient times. Increase in wealth as well as power promoted social distinction and thus the technique of construction of various types of buildings gradually transformed into an art of architecture. Architecture is an expression of requirements and achievements of man. Various external factors played an important role in determining its ...
This book is the translation of the Hindi book “Lokpriya Gita†written by my respected uncle, the late Shri Gopal Lal Barman. My uncle was blessed to spend part of his life in the holy company of Mahatma Gandhi and Vinoba Bhave. With the blessings of Pujya Swami Brahmrupanandji of the Vedanta Society, and my uncle and with prayers to Lord Krishna, I would like to dedicate this English version of the Gita to all the young men and women of the world. The Gita ...
Indian women writers have daringly dominated the literacy scene from Sarojini Naidu and Toru Dutt to Arundhati Roy. Their creative powers have not been confined to any one of the Indian languages only. Nayantara Sahgal, Anita Desai et al have carved permanent places for themselves in the literary world. The Indian women writers in both Indian languages and English have successfully and effectively expressed the trials and the tribulations, the pains and the ...
Sanskrit text with Roman script and English translation with commentary of Srimad Bhagawad Gita (Prabhu Darshan) supported by 19 unique diagrams and illustrations to help practice for God realization in 20 minutes, is perhaps the first attempt of its kind not yet available anywhere in India and abroad.
All in a Stride, Reflections of a Civil Servant truly tries to justify its name. It is a reflection of the journey of a Civil Servant taking in his stride all that comes his way. The book brings back nostalgic memories whilst acting as a guide for present and future. There is a comprehensive blend of chapters on administration, development, tourism, culture, art, architecture, history, wildlife, forests, monarchs, leaders of national and international repute and ...
The result of research into the history of primitive civilizations seems to prove that dancing is the first art, as it is the earliest impulse that takes an outward embodiment. Just as the individual infant makes its feelings known by cries and gestures; so pre-historic man, striving to find an outlet for the various passions which move him, resorts also to these primitive modes of expression. Dancing, in its first analysis, consists, therefore, of bodily actions ...
The monograph, History of the Traikutakas deals with the history of the Traikutaka dynasty based on their coins and inscriptions. The Traikutakas are known to have reigned in western India in the third-fourth centuries after Christ. The present endeavour is an attempt to revisit the waxing problem of dating the dynasty on the political map of India. On the basis of some newly discovered numismatic evidences, it is held that the dates inscribed on the inscriptions ...
The essays in commemoration of Pandit Nilamani Mishra, an eminent Scholar and Curator of Sanskrit Palmleaf manuscripts in the Orissa State Museum cover a wide range of researches from Art to Philosophy, History to Literature, Archaeology to Anthropology and Religion to Social Sciences. Noted scholars from Orissa and outside through their specific contributions have focused on different Cultural Studies. This volume in its totality makes a meaningful presence in ...
Essence of Orissan Paintings focuses on the fundamentals of the Orissan painting tradition and its relation to sculpture and Oriya literature. It is the result of holistic study and therefore relevant to the understanding of Orissan pictorial art. This book is unique in the sense, it reveals a comprehensive rudimentary of a regional pictorial vocabulary.
The bricks are known to us since the dawn of human activity in India. The remains of brick monuments helped towards a proper understanding and appreciation of the life and spirit of ancient Indian people and at the same time, it has also contributed to bring up new suggestion regarding the origin of Indian civilization. The discovery of the pre-Indus civilization at Mehrgarh has pushed back the history of Indian civilization to the period Circa 6000 B.C. to 4500 ...
The terpsichorean art of dance which has evolved over the centuries shows much variations in its contemporary manifestations. The difference between sastra and prayoga of this art makes it imperative for sustained research in its academics. There are many treatises written over the centuries which discuss in depth the technique of the art of dance. But most of them have not been exhaustively researched. Of singular importance in the study of the theoretics of ...
Pancha Ratna Kritis' of Saint Thyagaraja, as the title indicates is the piece-de-resistance of St. Thyagaraja, who lived two centuries and a quarter ago at Thiruvaiyaru a district of Tanjavoor of Tamil Nadu, South India. The book traces the origin of Indian music, Karnatak music and its place in the world of music. It deals with major Ragas and Talas. Life, philosophy and diction form a major part of Part I along with devotional aspect. The Part II gives the ...
The present study is an attempt at reconstructing, with the help of coin hoards inventory published by the State Museum, Lucknow, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Mughal silver coinage circulating in the area of the present-day Uttar Pradesh in the period between 1560 and 1760. In the first part of the book the author outlines basic principles of his method and stresses the necessity to interpret incidences of particular types of coins in their ...