IBDC Publishers
29 books
The Indian sub-continent possesses largest livestock population in the world and the animal rearing is one of the income generating viable business of rural people. They are getting income by way of milk, meat, wool, leather etc. However, the productivity of domesticated animals is poor due to complex factors which are varied. They are further compounded by clinical or sub-clinical parasitic diseases which inflict losses through mortality, morbidity, reduced feed ...
Neem tree is a well known tree in India and recognized by different names in different states of India as well as different parts of the world. Almost every Indian knows the tree for its medicinal values. According to Susruta a known Hindu physician (800 B.C.), a decoction of nimba (neem) is prescribed in Kustha leprosy. Neem is thus, perhaps the oldest plant used as medicine in India. The earliest authentic record of information is in Arthashtra treatise of ...
Recent Advances in Pomegranate serves as a valuable resource material for the students, researchers and scholars in their respective fields. This book covers various latest topics on growing Pomegranate.
It elucidates the new storage and processing technology and innovative packing techniques which have made the Pomegranate to reach the distant markets. The value added products like Pomegranate juice, processed products like wine, squash, syrups, jam, jelly, ...
Thinking outside the box is paramount to focus clearly on the risks and challenges brought about by the human-animal-environment interactions. Forging collaborations between physicians, veterinarians and other scientists is essential to achieve health targets, as environmental health is not a domain restricted to a single discipline. The ‘One Health’ concept has been gaining momentum now to enhance such cooperation and collaborations to promote and ...
Veterinary Public Health is one of the most important subject in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry. The book “Veterinary Public Health : at a glance” is written in a very simple and lucid manner so that everybody can read and understand it properly. The book is useful for scientists, teachers, students, officers, diagnosticians, laboratory technicians, public health professionals and medial personnel associated directly or indirectly associated ...
The set comes in two volumes, Each volume is divided into different sections imparting knowledge on various design, planning, construction and management facets of landscaping. First volume has 29 chapters of useful information.The second volume also continues to disseminate knowledge with its 21 chapters including some very informative pages and an important source finder which helps you locate the various essential inputs.This store house of all landscaping ...
Basic Concepts of Fruit Science second revised edition is an updated text to cater to the growing need of students, scholars, researchers, scientists, horticulturists, extension workers and progressive farmers for a standard text. The book has incorporated modern concepts, which are explained in a lucid language from the very basics. The present book is an amalgamation of diverse modern advances and terms that help to visualize the basic concepts in better manner ...
This book illustrates the techological innovations in Dryland farming Systems with a level of authenticity, An immense effort has been made in providing very appropriate information on various important topics covered in the book. The chapters have been contributed by the experts in the respective fields. The comntent in the book is well validated with the use of updated facts and figures. The book seeks to fulfill the desire for knowledge of scholars, ...
This book is prepared to cater the basic need of animal nutrition as a subject of B.V.Sc. and A.H. IInd year students and those who are preparing for JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) in animal sciences stream and also for civil services examination of different states. The animal nutrition Paper-II as per Veterinary Council of India (Minimum standards of veterinary education degree) regulation, 1993 includes two courses i.e. ANN - 221 (Livestock Feeding, credit ...
The book lucidly and scientifically talks about the developed urea-dap briquettes and its agrotechnology for the betterment of crops. The authors have made their dedicated efforts to present the most authentic and updated information on the topic. This book is of great use for Researchers, Scientists, Teachers, Agriculture Department, Extension Workers, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Agripreneurs Non government Organisations, Farmers and all those related to agriculture.
In the Past a lot of attempts have been made by various bodies to assimilate the authentic information on pear in a consolidated from at one place. However, still there is a vacuum to satisfy the needs of the scholars in the field. Through this book an attempt has been made to bring the authentic information regarding Pear at one place. The different chapters in this book have been contributed by the veterans in the field. The chapters in this book have been ...
Drug potential of plants is well documented. The usefulness of medicinal plants as drugs, food supplements and also as adjuvant therapy in the management of diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disorder, has also been amply demonstrated by numerous research publications. Several review articles on the role of medicinal plants in the management of diabetes mellitus have appeared but what a researcher in this area needs is not merely a review but the total work done in ...
This book gives a well detailed and elaborated account of wild animals especially the endangered ones. Authentic details of taxonomic classification and vital statistics of each species are given accurately. The book seeks to create awareness about diminishing wild life in India and calls for an action to protect these endangered species.
"Since long it was felt the need of text book of virology for the postgraduate as well as undergraduate students of paramedical, medical and basic microbiology of various teaching organizations. A lacuna has always been sensed particularly in the areas of diagnostics and therapeutic virology. Keeping the students demand of biomedical sciences, microbiology, biotechnology, nursing, physiotherapy, dental and other allied courses.
It is well tried to include ...
The second edition of this book has been revised with the same objective in mind that guided the first edition. That is, to provide the student with a textbook comprehensive enough to meet every need in systemic pathology as per the course outline prescribed by the Veterinary Council of India. The changes include: - All chapters have been thoroughly updated, but the digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive chapters have been rewritten and ...
It gives a great pleasure in presenting this text book on systemic pathology of domestic animals for veterinarians. Many observations done regarding the pathogenesis of lesions occur in different organs of domestic animals with variety of diseases have been incorporated in this book. This book covers the syllabus outlined by Veterinary Council of India.
For centuries, the Neem tree has been known in India as "Sarva Roga Nivarini" in Sanskrit, meaning "The curer of all ailments" due to its many and varied healing properties. Since the advent of synthetic insecticides and the promotion of conventional medicines, this important natural resource has been sadly neglected. However, over the last few decades, the Neem tree has enjoyed a revival, being rediscovered by the people of India where it is ...
Since the VCI course curriculum was implemented, need of a suitable literature for the students of Pathology was felt as many for a, Pathology forms a vital link between basic subjects of anatomy, biochemistry and a physiology on the one hand, and clinical subjects of surgery, gynaecology and medicine, on the other. The students of Veterinary Pathology faced difficulties in understanding exhaustive and voluminous books on the subjects.The main purpose of the ...
This book fulfills the long felt necessity of a text dealing with concepts of General Pathology of Animals. It can also prove be a worthy companion and guide for the students, users and diagnosticians engaged into investigation of animal diseases. The Author has taken all care of providing necessary information on examination of the postmortem cases.