Indian Council of Agricultural Research
67 books
The name “Onion” originated from the Latin name unio, meaning oneness or unity, or a kind of single onion. A native of Central Asia, onion is now grown in more than 140 countries under temperate tropical conditions. In India onions have been adapted from very early times, before Christian era. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are the main onion-growing states in the country. Barring north-eastern states and kerala, ...
The volume presents qualitative and quantitative information on physical and cultural themes from published and unpublished sources that relate to administration, demography, land, climate, water, soil and infrastructure. Providing maps, charts, graphs and tables, the comprehensive study discusses important aspects of geology, forests, land use pattern, agro-climatic features, rainfall patters, water balance and water resources, industry, road and postal networks ...
Contents: Foreword. Preface. Section I: Energy use in production of crops fruits and vegetables: 1. Introduction. 2. Indian agriculture. 3. Area production and productivity scenario. 4. Farm power sources and availability. 5. Indian energy scenario. 6. Energy use in crop production. 7. Energy use in fruit production. 8. Energy use in vegetable production. Section II: Energy use in household and agricultural allied activities: 9. Energy use in household ...
Biological Control of Plant Diseases and Weeds has been prepared by accumulating information on use and application of biological control; their characters, usage against important diseases and crops and weeds; mechanism of their action in terms of antibiosis, hyperparasitism, induced resistance, signal transduction, cross protection; ecological behaviour of bioagents due to abiotic and biotic factors mainly, soil, pH, temperature, cropping patterns, use of ...