P K Mishra

Showing all 22 books
It is a collection of thirty essays on various aspects of Hindu and Buddhist Art and Iconography contributed by Indian and foreign scholars. These represent deep insight and new interpretation based on sound scholarship and accounts. While intended to commemorate the loving memory of Professor Kalyan Kumar Dasgupta, the book is a fitting tribute to the great savant. Professor P.K. Mishra and publisher M/s Abhinav Publications have spared no pains to make it an ...
Bangladesh Migrants : A Threat to India is an effort made by depicting real problems faced in Indo-Bangladesh Border. The biggest problem India is facing is on the country’s economy and security due to continuous migration from Bangladesh from British period till today for various factors. The rising population, non-availability of land, unemployment including weak currency, floods and cyclones, push Bangladeshis to India for a better economic opportunity, ...
There is a growing awareness to the role that natural resources, such as water, land, forests and environmental amenities play in everyone lives. There are many competing uses for natural resources and society is challenged to manage them for improving social well-being on sustainable basis. The book entitled Natural Resource Conservation : Emerging Issues and Future Challenges has contains commissioned articles by experts in various fields in six major sections, ...
The concepts of human rights has a deep bearing on individual's dignity, peaceful and honourable living. It is indeed the strong human urge to attain its fundamental rights and for this constitutional and evolutionary methods have been in vogue since an earlier period. This book deals with international obligations, important government acts on human rights along with the constitutional provisions. This is a huge source of reference for general readers, policy ...
Khajuraho - the name itself is synonymous with architectural excellence and breathtaking craftsmanship. The World Heritage temples of Khajuraho can be regarded as one of the wonders of the East, a symbol in stone, representing the cosmic system of Hindu temples, with a dash of erotica along with other worldly and divine scenes. These huge edifices, built over 1000 years ago, are profusely covered with the sculptural art. Khajuraho occupies a very special place in ...
Comprehensive History and Culture of Orissa, two volumes (four parts), is an epoch making work in Indian historiography, which for the first time brings under focus the achievements of the Oriya-speaking people in the Indian contest. Almost all the leading scholars of the State have joined together to record the results of their years' of painstaking and meaningful research in a succinct and lucid manner with great objectivity and scholarly insight. Topics on ...
This book, structured around the strategic management process model, focuses on conceptual understanding of process and articulation of strategies. Uptodate and well researched, it includes many case studies, numerous exhibits and boxed highlights and review questions.
The book is a modest attempt to analyse the historians and the technique adopted by them to write history in the 20 century. The author has selected Orissa as the field of-his work. He has documented the work of scholars in a graphic manner projecting the social and academic background of the historians on the basis of authentic data. The book gives a sweeping survey of the works categorising them in to periods and types. This being the first work on Orissan ...
Orissa is a land of pure Hindu culture as evidenced by the concentration of temples there. The collection of hundreds of old palm leaf manuscripts on the epics and the puranas is another pointer to this. In the village of Orissa even now the institution of 'Bhagavata ghara' has survived to play a vital role, influencing the religious and sociallife of the rural masses. The recitation of Bhagavata Purana describing the efficacy of devotion in Vaisnavite faith is a ...
Sikkim has long been regarded as a region of great interest to the archaeologists as a corridor through which the Neolithic Celt making techniques entered India from South East Asia. This volume documents the first ever exploration of the Northern, Central and Eastern regions of Sikkim. Working in rugged and difficult conditions, P.K. Mishra and his team uncovered and excavated twenty nine New Neolithic Sites in the course of the expedition, and recorded over ...