Showing all 3 books
Bhojanakutuhalam of Raghunatha Suril literally means 'curiosity for or about food'. This work quenches the thirst of the seekers of Knowledge about the the different natural food elements and also the food products that are preoared by processing these elements. It also gives a detailed exposition of various aspects associated with consumption of food, water etc. This text is an encyclopedic work on ancient food science and technology developed by our ...
Ksemakutuhalam is a curious 16th century work on Ayurvedic dietetics. Written in Sanskrit by Ksemasarma, a royal physician of repute, the work discusses at length about traditional Indian cuisine and its benefits. Spanning across 12 chapters, fancifully named Utsaves, Ksemakutuhalam is capable of evoking the admiration of scholars as well as laymen by the breadth of topics covered and the attention paid to details.Each foodstuff is dealt at length. The usual mode ...