Indian Publishers

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India has a large number of children living in difficult circumstances, sometimes neglected, deprived of education or marginalized. All children have a right to education, capacity for self development and need to discover their abilities to be self confident in life. All for the Best has been written with the aim of inspiring students, particularly from the rural background to struggle hard against all odds and adversities which they face in their village life ...
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, known as the Iron man of India because of his strong will and strength of character, will always be remembered for his valuable contribution in the struggle for independence of the country. He played key role in smooth merger of various princely states into the Union of India when India acquired sovereignty. His early demise was great loss to the nation as this great nationalist had an altogether different vision for building the country ...
This colourful book, a unique collection of essays by distinguished scholars from the U.S.A., Germany and India is a clear, accurate and penetrating survey of the religious history of Orissa. Tracing the evolution of religions beginning with Jainism up to the Mahimadharma, the work also covers the modern religious movements as late as the present century. It is a thorough exposition of the profound impact of religion on art, architecture, language, literature and ...
The author of this work has a singular goal to evoke a feeling of involvement with the destiny of the country. The saga of unknown Martyrs from Greater India, of various movements from 1857 to 1946, of participation of every section of society in freedom movement, of the various modes of raising struggle, faring death, would surely enthuse the readers to consider India and its freedom as their own. It is a stupendous task of remembering Martyrs and their ...
Some extra-cerebrum activity designed the choreography for the dance of pen. Everything seemed to be arranged from 'above'. First appeared the apex in the shape of a two line dictum: the Third World War is rendered impossible now. The probable nuclear doom is substituted forever by 'World Nature' with a super game plan of transformation on micro and macro level. How and why? The main caption was followed by the chapter headings. Flashes of intuition enlightening ...
Population and Development Education in Indian Universities is a national source book, with the educational interventions at various levels in the field of population education. It provides the approaches programmes and assessment at X plan level and national population 2000 in historical context. The book is written emphasizing population education in higher education. The book provides the genesis of population education, UGC interventions and UNFPA ...
Educational technology is a new concept in education which has emerged in the 20 century and revolutionized educational thinking and practice. This compilation presents a comprehensive introduction to educational technology. It traces the roots of educational technology and shows how it has developed into a modern concept. A review or early literature has been presented. How educational objectives can be analysed and pursued, how theories of teaching and learning ...
It is widely known that Mahatma Gandhi, Father of Indian Nation, gave us many invaluable ideas on the different aspects of education for national regeneration and progress. His scheme of basic education was enthusiastically implemented in India during the 1940s-1950s, but later on it was discarded by self-seeking and short-sighted educational planners. Now again, the value of his educational ideas is being very much realized by the nation as we enter the 21 ...
There is all over a sort of intoxication, a challenge, a vitality in this contemplation. There is an uproar of words, images and thoughts, like simultaneously blowing of trumpets and beating of drums. These works and images are the bleeding of wounds, borne by a genius while trodding the battle field of life earnestly and buoyantly. But this blood does not merely flow bubbling. While splinting it turns into a flame. Because Baba’s experience does not stop at a ...
This anthology consisting of twenty seven short stories by both elder and younger writers, presents a cross-section of the best creative work done, in our time, in this genre by Gujarati writers. Of the 32 writers represented here 6 are recipients of the Sahitya Akademi Award, one has been awarded Padmashree and seven have won gold medals—and the rest have been accorded prestigious literary awards and accolades. The volume provides delectable and enlightening ...
At the conceptual level religion and faith are almost identified. Spiritual doctrines and explanations are the products of man’s search for notions and definition. Our very psyche wants to grasp the recondite principles of the religious concepts and spiritual experiences. The work at hand gives a microscopic glimpse of mankind’s ever expanding awareness of the inner mind. It is encyclopaedic in the sense that a reader can use it most confidently as a ...
India is one of the oldest civilisations with a kaleidoscopic variety, rich cultural heritage and multifaceted socio-economic progress. It covers an area of 32,87,263 sq km extending from the snow-covered Himalayan heights to tropical rain forests of the south. As seventh largest country in the world, India is well-marked off from the rest of Asia by mountains and the sea, which give the country a distinct geographical entity. Bounded by the great Himalayas in ...
This book deals with the concept of different types of accountability educational institutions are subjected to. It also review the recommendations of various committees, commissions and educational policies regarding accountability of teacher. It tries to analyse the criterion of good teaching, professional accountability of teacher educators and professionalism in education. Since no programme of performance measurement alone, no matter how comprehensive or ...
Political theory has emerged as one of the core areas of political science. Political theory, as an academic discipline, deals with contemporary problems ranging from local issues to the global, with a view to establishing a good social order. The debate regarding good social order is conducted within the paradigms of liberalism, social democracy, rule of law and constitutionalism. This explains why many argue that the entire edifice of the discipline is based on ...
The foreign ministers of India and Pakistan are conferring at New Delhi. P.M. Manmohan Singh is reminding the January 6 joint statement issued by the then Indian P.M. and Parvez Musharraf. The dictator president has assured that Pakistani territory would not be allowed for launching terrorist operations into other states. While Pak side is stressing for a definite time frame to resolve the Kashmir issue, the Indian side is asserting. "The dialogue will move ...
Rajput Ladies in Mughal Harem attempts to explore a hitherto overlooked area of Mughal social history. It not only deals with the life of these ladies, but also narrates their political, administrative, social and cultural impact and contributions. Besides it also analyses their role in the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire. It is an humble attempt to reintegrate the Hindu and Muslim cultural fusion during the Mughal period which is considered a landmark in the ...
This book focuses on the available infrastructure and facilities to support teacher education in India. It provides statistics and graphs to gauge the progress of this field, and makes growth comparisons and charts to do aid the gauging. However, facts and numbers are not the only components of this book, for it also provides solutions and strategies to bridge the chasm which divides the demand and supply of teachers, and focuses on strategies to improve ...
This encyclopaedic work in three volumes contains relevant matter on diverse aspects of education and will be proved an authentic document for reference to all concerned at tertiary level. The presented work bears out an exhaustive elaboration of diverse sorts of education. The book is really of greater magnitude for the students, teachers, researchers and many others. According to Francis Bacon--some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed; and some few ...