World War III Undone

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Some extra-cerebrum activity designed the choreography for the dance of pen. Everything seemed to be arranged from ‘above’. First appeared the apex in the shape of a two line dictum: the Third World War is rendered impossible now. The probable nuclear doom is substituted forever by ‘World Nature’ with a super game plan of transformation on micro and macro level. How and why? The main caption was followed by the chapter headings. Flashes of intuition enlightening the vast masses of thought. What is the scheme things in which you and me and the collectivities around us dwell? What is the genesis and causation of war? What is the reality behind the so called devils and deities which made this earth a constant war theatre? What is the rationale behind the great mythological wars which became the subjects of epics? Why do we relish in these war stories? Then what was the root cause behind the 20 century World Wars? Then what about the Third World War prophesised by astrologers like Nostrademus and many others? Without becoming any mind boggling fantastic prophesy the book reveals reasonably how a phenomena of war is being transformed into a phenomena of game, it is not only an intellectual exercise of the learned. Neither it is a quack’s commerce. It is a discovery of generations of truth seekers. It has a good news for every sincere soul upon earth irrespective of its station in life at large.


Prof. Ramesh Gupta’s very firsts book ‘Juduche Shet’ (Magic Farm) bagged the central award when he was 23, and a teacher. The second ‘Jwala Ani Fule’ (Flames and Flowers) written in collaboration with Baba Araote won the state literary award, when he was 25. With Hindi as a mother tongue his writing in Marathi made him a well-known signature in Maharashtra. Born in 1937, at ‘Warora’ where Amte’s famous Anandwan is located, in a lower middle class family claiming caste relations with ‘Jay Shankar Prasad’, he earned while learning Topped in Nagpur University in B.A. despite being an external candidate. Happened to step in a college not as a student but as a lecturer in history. In his upward ascent, he shifted to Chandrapur, Nagpur and ultimately to Delhi. Worked on every desk of newspapers for livelihood and adventure leaving his teaching profession. He ventured in various spheres during this journey despite being of family man with limited resources. He deems all his socio political and economic failures as ferteilizers for a rich harvest in human endeavored in film making with a few telecasts from Doordarshan. Attached with a few publishing houses on regular basis he devotes his pare time and resources for research and development in ‘Collective Yoga’.


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World War III Undone
1st ed.