Ramesh Gupta

Showing all 11 books
Yoga virtually meant the union with the infinite existence, force and bliss. As is generally recognised, Yoga is not a physical culture only or a part thereof.Yoga is an interior research where the researcher becomes the subject himself as well as the laboratory. It is a false notion that one has to renounce the world to practice this science. A vast literature is available. There are many sects and schools of Yoga. A plethora of Gods and God men have flourished ...
The eve of 21st century witnessed a meteoric rise of two Muslims in the world horizon. One, Ossama Bin Laden an evil genius, a megalomaniac, a misguided perpetrater of hate and distruction. He started from riches and reached the ditches along with others. The other is Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam a real genius with most constructive results, imparting message of love and hope for all. He started from meager grassroots and reached the top of the world’s greatest ...
There is all over a sort of intoxication, a challenge, a vitality in this contemplation. There is an uproar of words, images and thoughts, like simultaneously blowing of trumpets and beating of drums. These works and images are the bleeding of wounds, borne by a genius while trodding the battle field of life earnestly and buoyantly. But this blood does not merely flow bubbling. While splinting it turns into a flame. Because Baba’s experience does not stop at a ...
Some extra-cerebrum activity designed the choreography for the dance of pen. Everything seemed to be arranged from 'above'. First appeared the apex in the shape of a two line dictum: the Third World War is rendered impossible now. The probable nuclear doom is substituted forever by 'World Nature' with a super game plan of transformation on micro and macro level. How and why? The main caption was followed by the chapter headings. Flashes of intuition enlightening ...
Sonia’s single-handed victory and historic renunciation has raised her as a world-class leader. She is still young. In the 21 st century, the globalization process is likely to take the next step ahead of UNO. If the world government is likely to materialize, she is a fit person to lead the nation and the world towards this goal as a global persona. The more she is successful in leveling up the bottom line of India’s socio-economic existence, the more she ...
The foreign ministers of India and Pakistan are conferring at New Delhi. P.M. Manmohan Singh is reminding the January 6 joint statement issued by the then Indian P.M. and Parvez Musharraf. The dictator president has assured that Pakistani territory would not be allowed for launching terrorist operations into other states. While Pak side is stressing for a definite time frame to resolve the Kashmir issue, the Indian side is asserting. "The dialogue will move ...
As for the author’s intention in writing this Contemporary History of Indian People, it resembles to that of Gorkey of Pre-revolution Russia. Through his autobiographical novels, he expressed the grass-roots features of an age of a great transformation. From a Feudalistic society the people of Russia were heading towards a new social system, the so called communist or socialist society. though after disintegration of the USSR, the forvour of the great upsurge ...
As for the author's intention in writing this contemporary history of Indian people, it resembles to that of Gorkey of pre-revolution Russia. Through his autobiographical novels, he expressed the grass-roots features of an age of a great transformation. From a feudalistic society the people of Russia were heading towards a new social system, the so called communist or socialist society. Though after disintegration of the USSR, the fervour of the great upsurge is ...
The book deals with the practical aspects of school management as well as higher educational administration. Head of the institutions will find a reservoir of day to day guidance at their instant disposal.
Despite many drawbacks the modern Indian education system has produced wards one of the best knowledge society. This book acquaints with the potential of this system in a lucid manner.
This encyclopaedic work in three volumes contains relevant matter on diverse aspects of education and will be proved an authentic document for reference to all concerned at tertiary level. The presented work bears out an exhaustive elaboration of diverse sorts of education. The book is really of greater magnitude for the students, teachers, researchers and many others. According to Francis Bacon--some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed; and some few ...