Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts

Showing all 23 books
Sixteenth in the Series of Collected Works of Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy in the IGNCA’s publication programme, Elements of Buddhist Iconography was first published by the Harvard University Press in 1935. This new edition, ably edited and revised by Shri Krishna Deva, has been enriched by incorporating the additions made by Coomaraswamy in his own hand in his personal copy.
This volume is a sustained demonstration of Coomaraswamy’s knowledge of the ...
Culavamsa or ‘The Little Chronicle’, a thirteenth century work composed by Bhikkhu Dhammakitti in Pali, is a supplement to a much earlier work named Mahavamsa. These are the main sources of the political and religious history of Sri Lanka, the history of king Parakkamabahu being the real kernel. The main subject of the Culavamsa, especially of the first part, Parakkamabahu was the son of the eldest of the three brothers Manabharana, Kittisirimegha and ...
Bhakti of devotional love is the way of directly encountering the rasa in human experience. The aesthetic experience of rasa which is available to human beings was somehow not fully manifested and established from the 'intellectual' point of view. A glimpse of the rasa accomplished is available in the encounter of Uddhava and Gopies. Humans by nature are rational and logical beings. They prefer logical conclusions which have universal applicability. To logically ...
Kantha – the embroidered poetry on cloth – speaks volumes about the imagination of Bengali women and the aspiration that her craftwork reflects. It is a well-conceived art work, which has always attracted people from all walks of life. She creates the most amazing Kanthas with great love and affection for her dear ones. Her creativity stands unmatched when she breathes life into a discarded saree, worn out from constant use and laundering. She ...
A literary work built up with parallel citations is apt to grow in the compass of the author himself, from his encyclopaedic scholarship. This revised edition of one of Coomaraswamy's most significant writings is now being issued by incorporating his own additions to the printed first edition of 1942.
The Indian theory of government is expounded on the basis of the textual sources, mainly of the Brahmanas and the Rigveda. The mantra in the Aitareya Brahmana ...
As the title suggests, Elizabeth Brunner: Her Life – Her Words, is a delightful collection of stories written by the Hungarian artist who came to India in 1930 with her mother, Elizabeth Sass Brunner, and made it her home. The book, with an introduction by Dr Imre Lázár, contains her experiences in this country. It also contains rare photographs and beautiful paintings that the Brunners created.The talented artists are well known in India and ...
Lala Deen Dayal's work is showcased with digital prints made from glass plate negatives still in his studio archives. Accompanied by a catalogue available at the exhibition. Jyotindra Jain is a well-known art historian, while Pramod Kumar KG was formerly with the Alkazi Foundation for the Arts.
Among the twenty-one Sakha-Samhitas of the Rgveda, as mentioned by Patanjali, only seven Samhitas were known by name and among these too, only one Sakala-Samhita was available in printed form so far. Now with the publication of the present edition of the Asvalayana-Samhita a complete picture of a new Sakha-Samhita will come to force for the first time. In comparison to the Sakala-Samhita, the Asvalayana-Samhita has 212 additional mantras among which some occur in ...
The Manthanabhairavatantra is about 24,000 verses long and is divided into three sections (khanda). The one edited and translated here is the Kumarikakhanda. Along with the Kubjikamata, the Manthanabhairavatantra is the most important and extensive Tantra dedicated to the worship of the goddess Kubjika. Although originally an Indian goddess, Kubjika is almost exclusively worshipped in the Kathmandu Valley, where her cult has been kept scrupulously secret by Newar ...
A bibliography of Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy documents the remarkably productive career of one of the great minds of the twentieth century. This comprehensive and accurate bibliography is the result of more than twenty years of devoted research and scholarship. Its publication is an event of the first importance for all scholars of Indian art and religion. Moreover, it is an equally invaluable reference work for anyone concerned with the study of comparative ...
Emerging from the oldest testimonies of visual heritage and fragments of oral tradition, the deer is deeply rooted in the psyche of the people in almost every culture of the world. It is widely portrayed in the rock art sites of India and Europe. Deer in Rock Art of India and Europe provides an overview of deer in the rock art of India and Europe and its representation through the historic period. In the Indian section valuable evidence from several sites has ...
The Brhadisvara temple also known as the Rajardjesvara temple built by Raja. Raja I in 1010 A.D. has been acclaimed as the finest achievement of Chola art. The perfection of its architectural plan, its impeccable balance, the sculptural reliefs and murals and the bronzes have been commented upon by art historians. Some inscriptions have been studied as invaluable sources for evidence of the administrative machinery of the Cholas. Each of these facets emerge from ...
The Kerala mural tradition of the medieval period, at least 400 years old, retained elements of the great classical wall painting traditions. By 20th Century it slipped into oblivion and most of the sites were obliterated through damage or repainting. This lavishly illustrated book is the first comprehensive effort to document a vividly colourful tradition to enrich Indian art history. Artist A Ramachandran has been repeatedly visiting the major ...
The Tantra of Svayambhu or Savyam-bhuvasutrasamgraha is the thirteenth in the Traditional list of the 28 Agamas of Saivasiddhanta. One of the oldest Acaryas of this school of Saivism, Sadyojyoti has composed a commentary on its vidyapasda section. The subjects dealt with are pasu, the bound soul; pasa, the bond; anugraha, God's grace and adhvan, the way to liberation. Sadyojyoti has taken definite and extreme positions on the philosophical problems raised by ...
The Exhibition on Rta-Ritu: cosmic Order & cycle of Seasons is the fifth presentation by IGNCA on viewing fundamental concepts on universal themes that cut across diverse cultures. The four previous exhibitions were on Space, Kham, Form, Akara, Time, Kala and The five Elements, Prakriti. The concept of Rta, originates in the Rigveda (10.85;4.23, 9-12;10.190). in the Vedic Vision the universe is not conceived as a haphazard mass of elements and events, but is ...
The National Mission for manuscripts was established in February 2003 by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India with the purpose of locating, documenting, preserving and disseminating the knowledge content of India's handwritten manuscripts, said to be the largest collection of handwritten knowledge documents in the world. While looking ahead to reconnect with the knowledge of the past, the Mission is in the process of trying to re-contextualize the ...