International Book Distributors

208 books
The book entitled "Forestry: At a Glance" attempts to tackle this moving target by furnishing a good overview of the forestry background, outlining a range of current technologies and discussing a wide variety of applications and future prospects in forests. This text book will find profound utility by the students towards preparation of civil and state service examinations, ICAR Net and Scientists examinations, JRF and SRF examinations and University ...
Once it was thought orchid growing is exclusively for the elite, but, with the passage of time availability of planting material especially hybrids, along with information about its cultural requirements have all made it an enjoyable and a profitable venture.
This book introduces orchid to a common man highlighting its special characterstiscs such as captivating flowers and the plant itself with various adaptations and modifications. These detalis are presented ...
The valuable information on herbal contraceptives widely scattered and unorganized, necessitated the compilation of the present manual-comprehending information on 377 promising plant species belonging to 295 genera under 116 families of which 1 sp (1 genus) belongs to fungi; 8 spp (6 genera) to pteridophytes; 5 spp (4 genera) to gymnosperms and the remaining 363 spp (284 genera) to angiosperms having 315 spp as dictoyledons and 48 as monocotyledons. Besides, it ...
This book presents a brief account of the multi disciplinary nature of ecology and environment including ecosystem, nutrient cycles, ecological succession, plant communities, autoecology, biodiversity and conservation, desertification and control and climate change and forestry. It covers the syllabus, recently introduced by Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun at under graduate in forestry level through out the country.
This book is meant for people interested to know about basics of Ayurvedic healing. Though there are many books on Ayurveda, but this is a unique small book on ayurveda covering basics of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic healing.This book covers all basic aspects of Ayurvedic healing. This is useful not only for general public but also very helpful for Ayurveda students, Patients, Ayurveda lovers and people interested to learn Ayurvedic healing.
The German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), stated, Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal. Few statements, if any, have such timeless universality, applying both to human affairs and to natural processes. In the context of our own time, the more narrowly-focused phrase, climate change, has permeated the fabric of society as never before, from the halls of academe to the corridors to government to the realm of popular conscientiousness. But, ...
This book titled "Compilation of Forest Policy and Law" is purely a compilation of the presentations and training materials prepared by the author with his experience as a faculty member and a practicing forester. In this book, the sections/rules of Indian Forest Act and other acts have been interpreted in simple way so that even the front line staff of the department and students/probationers can understand it easily. This book covers mainly the ...
The key to successful organic food production lies in plant protection from various biotic enemies. In the book entitled "Plant Protection Practices in Organic Farming" a sincere effort is being made to provide the society all the practices which can be used in reducing the pest populations from our agricultural/horticultural ecosystems and in turn may also reduce the pesticide pressure being exerted on our environment. In addition there are some ...
"The Himalayas is a land of abundant wealth and present a challenge and opportunity to various scientist and sports lover to prove their work. The great diversity of human populations and languages within the Himalayas has made the region exceptionally interesting. In this region dwells a vast number of tribes and castes. Who have been earning a good deal of attention in recent times.There are Primitive Tribes and Scheduled Tribes living in different regions ...
Wildlife management in Indian Universities is being taught as a core-subject of forestry science and even independently. Teaching and attention on the subject matter are progressing day by day. It is very essential to understand the roles played by the wild animals, which have come at alarming stage, because they are part and parcel of the ecosystem as a natural renewable resource maintaining food-chains, keeping eco-balance and providing hygienic conditions for ...
Most of the publications available in the Development Communication area are of edited nature, generally as an outcome of seminars/symposiums. Therefore, their focus is one sided. The present publication is an attempt to fill the gap of reading material, although a collection of scholarly work, it has the capacity to bridge the gap which scholars are experiencing due to non availability of a quality text book in this field. It will address the academic ...
Forest tree improvement and seed technology are relatively neglected subjects as compared to forest management in general. Importance of forest improvement and seed technology has become important in recent years as forests have a significant role in maintaining climatic balance and conservation of biodiversity. The impending climate change may have a catastrophic effect on the ecological health of planet earth and may imperil the survival of life itself. This ...
The present work embodies the result of more than ten years floristic and utility of plant resources survey of one of the remote areas of the Eastern Ghats region comprising four districts of Orissa, viz, Rayagada, Koraput, Nowrangpur and Malkangiri. The Koraput region is rich in plant wealth and for long time this area was under-explored. The study covers an area of 26,921sq km and the total number of species described are 582 (324 genera and 100 families) that ...
"Systematic Pomology is basic course for the post graduate students taught all over India. Though understanding of the systematic position of the fruit crops are imperative not only for the students but all those who are involved for the development of the horticulture especially plant breeder, geneticist, cytologist, botanist, chemist, entomologist, plant pathologist, taxonomist and paleo-botanist. There are large number of books available in the library ...
The book deals with the rich medicinal plant resources of North East India comprising the state of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh. Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. It includes a comprehensive analysis on the diversity, status, trade, conservation and cultivation of medicinal plants of the area besides giving individual species description of 750 plant species with their traditional medicinal uses. The taxonomic treatment on each species is up-to-date ...