Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (2)

Showing all 14 books
Adi Sankara is one of the most important saints to have lived in India. Founder of the Advaita Vedanta system, his contributions transcended the realms of Hindu philosophy. In his short life spanning thirty two years, he revolutionized Indian thought in many of the existing philosophies and teachings. His works include commentaries on Vedanta Surta-s, Bhagavad Gita and the primary Upanisad-s, apart from numerous poems on various topics.
However little is known ...
Yogayajnavalyka Samhita is considered one of the most ancient yoga texts. This work is presented in the form of a dialog between the great sage yajnavalkya and his wife, the learned Gargi. The text has his wife, the learned Gargi. The text has twelve chapters and presents many yoga concepts that are unique to this work. This apart, it also presents ideas that are different from other popular yoga texts.
This book presents the text with in its original form with ...
One of the greates contributions of legendary Yogi, T Krishnamacharya and his son and student, the world – renowned Yoga Master, TKV Desikachar has been the presentation of this entire text, with the words of each sutra split up to make it easier for students to learn to read and recite the text. For the sake of uniformity among students of this teaching tradition, TKV Desikachar, in consultation with T Krishnamacharya, notated the text in a specific ...
The Veda-s are the oldest and most authoritative of Indian scriptures. Proclaimed to be the voice of the Lord that was heard by the Rsi-s of yore, they are very sacred for millions around the world who chant them with great reverence and attention to detail. The dates of the Veda-s have been widely contested, and there are countless versions from different historians. But one aspect that has never been contested is how they are recited. Bound by a set of strict ...
The popularity that Yoga is enjoying today is beyond doubt. This ancient discipline which originated in India thousands of years ago, is fast acquiring a phenomenal global presence. As Yoga finds increased acceptance in every continent, students from different backgrounds, cultures and faiths embrace this simple yet practical philosophy. This has led many to embark on a quest to discover the philosophical foundations of Yoga, through the Yoga Sutra-s of ...
Ever since man set foot on planet earth, he has been a seeker. As he evolved, his thirst to understand the mysteries of life aroused and grew. His experiences forced him to ask questions for which he could find no answers. This search gave rise to many different schools of philosophy. All of them point to a source within. India has a very rich inheritance in the fields of philosophical reflection and spiritual inquiry, with a great variety of beliefs and ...
T Krishnamacharya in his life time of hundred years dedicated his life to transmitting the teachings of yoga. He did this through teaching, lecturing, and also writing. He wrote numerous works in many Indian languages, covering a wide spectrum of our great Indian Heritage. Fortunately some of these manuscripts are still available, and to share the richness of these teachings, the KYM has conceived the Krishnamacharya Granthamala. The Yoganjalisaram, the essence ...
Yogacarya T Krishnamacharya regularly composed in Sanskrit, both in the form of prose as well as poetry, they would flow from him at any time of the day, or night. This composition, the Dhyanamalika, was written by him in one day only, in 1971. He gave the title Certain disciplines to prepare for Worship. He conceived it as a guide for Dhyanam (meditation). This work of 34 verses, contains the essence of the teaching of yoga sutra, bhagavad gita, brahma sutra, ...
Mantra mala-literally means a garland of chants. This book contains a careful selection of chants from various sections of the Veda-s, as taught by T Krishnamacharya. The chants in this book are presented in keeping with the teaching methodology adopted at Vedavani, a unit of Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram where this tradition is imparted in stages, going from the simplest to the most complex chants. The chants are presented in Sanskrit (the language of the ...