Lancer’s Books

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China's much celebrated revolutionary zeal, communist ideology, and Marx-Lenin-Mao thought have never been the dominant force behind its South Asia policy. This was determined instead by Beijing's hard-headed cost/benefit analysis so aptly cloaked in the famous Five Principles of peaceful-co-existence (Panchsheel) aimed at ensuring non-interference in China's fragile regions of Tibet and Xinjiang. Quite in line, neither the local communist parties nor ...
Included in this volume are 27 papers contributed by leading social scientists and area experts drawn from India, Germany, the United States and Kazakhstan. The volume gives a comprehensive picture of the social, political, cultural and strategic developments in Russia and the Central Asian Republics. Ranging from an analysis of nationalism and future of Democracy in Russia and the Central Asian Republics the volume makes a penetrating analysis of inter-ethnic ...
Ever since the Taliban gained international attention, numerous articles have appeared on their origin, intentions, and capabilities. Many observers have expressed their opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the Taliban, but no comprehensive study has yet been carried out on this new phenomenon which suddenly appeared on the Afghan horizon. This book gives a comprehensive account of the origin of the Taliban movement and the reasons for its phenomenal ...
The Kargil War caught India napping. The intelligence failure and the command failure of the Army was so glaringly visible. By the time the political authority managed to contend with the reality of the situation nearly a month had elapsed. The immediate response of the Army displayed an utter lack of information and panicky reaction. During this period the COAS, General Malik was in Poland. While holding the enemy with 121 Infantry Brigade, with additional two ...
The present compilation is an attempt to study the history of air law and air space management, with special reference to India and its growing interests in air travel. Various Indian scholars engaged not only in the study and research in air law, but also in the formulation and implementation of policies about air travel, and its management in India, have joined together under the auspices of the International Legal Studies Division of the Jawaharlal Nehru ...
The range and complexity of the numerous instruments of international environmental law poses the problem of accessibility for the students, teachers and practitioners. Although there are quite a few collections of basic documents of international environmental law, published as they are in the west, they are expensive and generally beyond the reach of the readership mentioned in India and other developing countries. This is a modest effort to meet this need. ...
This volume brings together contributions by distinguished scholars and analysts presenting a comprehensive and multi-dimensional analysis of globalisation and its impact on Indian economy, polity, and society. The study brings out clearly the unprecedented economic and technological changes unfolding in the wake of globalisation and stresses the need for coping with the new challenges and opportunities in a holistic and long-term frameworks. The book discusses ...
In recent times environmental issues have emerged as one of the major concerns that beset humanity and especially the coming generations. Till only a few years ago environment was regarded in the literature on international relations as the stable backdrop which enabled state actors to enact their drama of conflict and cooperation. However the colossal environmental degradation that took place as a result of industrial style economic production and consumption as ...
National security is no longer a matter of successful protection of the territorial integrity and political independence of the state against threats emanating from the external milieu. Most developing nations with pluralistic societies are facing challenges in maintaining their unity and cohesion on their way to achieve development and the desired identity of nationhood. In the process it is found that most of the threats to their security originate from within ...
161 Infantry Brigade was deployed in the Kashmir Valley, in the Uri Sector which was a very sensitive area of 19 Infantry Division. I took over this Brigade on 01st July 1971. It fought the Indo-Pak War of 1971, under my command, successfully. We, in the Brigade, ensured that not even an inch of its territory was lost to Pakistan. In addition we captured some real estate, using our own resources only. During the Indo-Pak War of 1971, Pakistan’s strategy was to ...
This volume introduces a new dimension to the understanding of India-Japan relations, thus far unexplored. Though a modest attempt, it is the first ever exercise to reconnect the past with the present in its various aspects other than merely political, economic and strategic. Both Japan and India have been great sources of culture and civilization in Asia and need to know more about each other. However, due to strong compulsions of global politics during the past ...
The book deals with Kargil War in an analytical manner. Well-qualified military writers in part one have tackled the various aspects of the war in a detailed manner. In part two, the various authors have dealt with the effects of the Kargil War on India as well as in other countries of the world in a dispassionate manner. It makes the book useful and interesting, which will be read with pleasure both by civilians as well as by military personnel.
Small States Security Dilemma: A Maldivian Perception, deals with the piethora of security questions in general and the security problems of a Small Developing Island State in particular. The concepts of security, both western and the developing world’s interpretations have been discussed. The small state’s security concerns at the national, regional and international sectors have been analysed in detail in the first part of the book. The ...