Mehta Publishing House

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Two days before Christmas in 1987, at the age of 17, Niromi de Soyza found herself in an ambush as part of a small platoon of militant Tamil Tigers fighting government forces in the bloody civil war that was to engulf Sri Lanka for decades with her lifelong friend, Ajanthi, also aged 17. Leaving behind them their shocked middle-class families, the teenagers had become part of the Tamil Tigers' first female contingent. Equipped with little more than a rifle and a ...
Melissa always knew that her family wasn't perfect, but she never suspected the shocking truth.
In Shattered Silence Melissa Moore shares the true story of her life as the daughter of the notorious "Happy Face" serial killer. As she slowly realizes the full extent of the gruesome crimes her father has committed, Melissa also begins to realize that she cannot change her fatherall she has control over is her own life and deciding how she will move on. ...
A Willow Tree, soft and flowy on the outside, unbreakable and strong on the inside, left to brave the lashings and extremities of wind and strom, but never quite breaking. This book is based on the true story of the turbulent life of hanako Ishigaki as she was tossed around by the winds of migration, war internment camps and an incredibly unlikely and impossible love affair woven into it to add poignance to a story of great courage and determination to survive ...
The simplicity yet ingenuity of Mexican cuisine are made simple by this inspirational cookbook. Tasty traditional dishes are complemented by contemporary tips to provide stunning collection of number of dishes that can be prepared easily and are sure to spice up your parties.
This book is beautifully designed and produced and provides wealth of ideas and recipes that will delight you, your family and your guests.
All recipes are easy to make & follow with ...
It describes significant patterns in the life histories and emotional responses of cancer patients. Changing the belief system of the patients about cancer can be used effectively to support the patients potential for self-healing. It gives exact instruction for cure, care and rehabilitation of Cancer patients. through complimentary medicine like Yoga.
This book is a journey from materialism to spirituality. One can be very content with the same amount of wealth simply by just changing the perception of the wealth.Richness is a state of mind, a thought process, a feeling and not the luxury or the wealth. Richness is not what you have but how you feel about what you have. The wealth beyond usage is simply a thought, a dream, an illusion and a myth.Sometimes one insight, one inner vision, one idea can change our ...
The book describes the story of a small town youth being unsuccessful in Law profession, tries his destiny in a call center. Having faced some obstacles, he got the job. Initially, he is shocked by the Call Center culture. Gradually he understands the hardships, hectic schedule and effect of the fatigue of the nightshift on its employees though it offers attractive salary and incentives. The book also deals the causes that make youth addictive of bad habits to ...
A companion volume to Overman by the same author, this work is a profound and enjoyable account of the present situation of mankind and world it lives in. On the threshold of the new millennium, countless pages have been written on the meaning of our world and its possible development. The conclusion in most cases was depressing - man would become an automation in a sci-fi world. The author puts the present situation of humanity in the perspective of the ...
Haemorrhoids and herbs is designed for an introductory course in Moalijat (Medicine) and Jarahiyat (Surgery) of Tib-e-Unani (Unani system of medicine) curriculums. The text is also useful for diploma and undergraduate students of Allopathic, Ayurveda and Siddha disciplines in general, postgraduates, researchers and teachers, in particular, because effort has been made to present: (a) The literature of haemorrhoids in the form of a comparative study of Unani and ...
Bhagwad Gita… is a way of life. It is a philosophy of life—the philosophy which lives within us and inspires us to seek knowledge and transmute it into action. "Whatever be my situation… I have found it relevant to that situation", says the author. Readers will find much that they can relate to their lives, much that may help them in strengthening themselves in facing the odds in life. The author in his inimitable style analyses how Gita makes for ...