Navyug Publishers & Distributors

30 books
Ten years research and first-hand knowledge have enabled the author to trace the cultural contacts which have contributed to the rich mosaic of sculpture, temples, mosques, and painting that have gone towards the creation of one of the great civilizations of the world. This concise yet lively book guides the reader through 5,000 years of Indian art and architecture. A rich artistic tradition is fully explored through the Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Colonial, and ...
Nuclear Power is in the news these days in a new incarnation – as an environmental sustainable source of electricity. For example, the recent ‘Declaration by India and France on the Development of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes’, signed in February 2006, begins with the “recognition” that “nuclear energy provides a safe, environment-friendly and sustainable source of energy”. The sheer audaciousness of ...
Photo journalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that creates images in order to tell a news story. It is now usually understood to refer only to still images, and in some cases to video used in broadcast journalism. Photojournalism is distinguished from other close branches of photography. A photo-journalist should not be taken to mean a photographer who ...
During the last several years of our career as teacher we have come across many problems in the teaching of Dynamics. The outcome of the endeavour to find a solution to these problems has been the format of this book this book has been specially designed to meet the requirements of the students for B.A., B.Sc., Engineering, M.A., M.Sc., examinations of all Indian Universities and also for those preparing for various competitive examinations. This book ...
Public Administration of today, however, has three distinguishing features: “Its Purposes have been completely reoriented, its functions have enormously increased in number, variety and complexity, and its methodology has grown from the trail-and-error stage into an orderly discipline with an organized, ever-increasing body of knowledge and experience.†Public Administration in modern age is product of certain evolutionary processes. Scholars have ...
“Entomology and Pest Management†is primarily written for the students of applied entomology preparing for under graduation and graduation studies. It has been compilated specially for those having elementary or no previous knowledge of the subject. The language used in it is simple and easy even for an ordinary student. Emphasis is given to the insect ecology, surveillance, and management. Both theory and management. Both theory ...
Plants, being regenerative resources, are studied generally from fundamental and economic point of views. Their origin, evolution, diversification, domenstification and migration however remain largely untouched especially from historical and cultural perspectives. The present author has attempted to focus the classically useful plants from these standpoints. While doing so, the author has endeavoured to collate brilliantly the two sciences ...
The society is made up of people of different tastes. Social change is the result of a number of factors in modern India. Social changes occur in modern India due to the process of formation, reformation or decay at various levels. In most of the cases, social changes occur as an imitation of the upper classes by their respective lower classes. In this process, there is always an internal conflict, continuously going on to excel others, ...
"World Fishes and Aquaculture" is the book of its own style which is written scholarly in easy to understand language with latest information that will fascinate student and nature buff alike. It offers a comprehensive overview of the structure, locomotion, feeding, reproduction, behaviour, habitat, and classification of fishes. The book also introduces to its readers to the practiceable aquacultural techniques. Most of the books ...
Women's empowerment refers to the ability of women to transform economic and social development when empowered to fully participate in the decisions that 'affect their lives through leadership training, coaching, consulting, and the provision of enabling tools for women to lead within their communities, regions and countries. Women for prosperity campaigns to get more women in positions of influence. WFP seeks to empower women, to enable them to economically ...
Social development organization assisting in empowerment of people. An organisation or group of people working independent of any external control with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community or area or situation. An independent, democratic, non-setarian peoples organization working for the empowerment of economic and/or socially marginalised groups.Civil society has entered the discourse ...
The book is an outscore of incessant effort on part of author in view of dearth of such kind of book in the ranked. The book finds its detailed treatment about the fish its detailed treatment about the fish genetics and aquaculture and their correlation. The language of the book and the way of expression of the facts really deserve to be admired.
The presented book NGOs in the Human Rights Movement has been brought into being in view of mammoth demand across the country. The book especially throws light on NGOs and its increasing significance in the Human Rights Movement. The book comprises comprehensive treatment about NGOs and Human Rights, Human Rights NGO capacity building programme, approaches of organizational changes in the adoption of RBAs etc.
This text is primarily intended for undergraduate course in mathematics and provides an excellent exposure of fundamentals of vector analysis. This book is comprised of arranged in a sequence of solved problems which sufficiently explain the method to attack the problems. Geometrical and physical significance is greatly emphasized to illustrate the application of theorems.
Hazard is a dangerous condition or event, natural or man-made that could cause injury, loss of life or damage to property, livelihood or environment. A hazard could be a natural hazard like earthquake, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis that are exclusively of natural origin. Landslide, floods droughts and fires are socio--natural hazards since their causes are both natural and manmade. For example, flooding may be increased through landslide, drainage or ground ...
The goal of the book is to present the classical knowledge of the Microbial Physiology and Metabolism and then to describe in sufficie it detail. The application of microbial physiology led to the accumulation of a huge body of knowledge and continually greater understanding of the nature of the gene. This is the first unique book of its own type that deals with the advance of microbial physiology for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It ...
The presented book diplomacy in India has been brought into being keeping in new its incessant increasing demand on mammoth scale. Undoubtedly the world has took a significant change especially after the disintegration of USSR. USA has become the dominant and continued to be as it has no other competing power now as USSR was. The book especially throws light on the diplomatic relation of India with varied countries across the world.
The presented book with a difference is ‘a’ book of its own sort. The book encompasses most of the significant aspects pertaining to women movements and human rights in an eloquent way which are of tremendous significance for the students, teachers, researchers and scholars as well.