Oriental Enterprises

Showing all 18 books
The tambram cuisine has an amazing range of vegetables cooked in a variety of methods - in the form of stir-fry, kuzhambus/ gravy vegetables or dhals, sambhars/vegetables with dhals, kootus/vegetables with coconut or and, with plain dhals. This can be a challenge for any novice.The food cooked in a brahmin home was satthvic paying special attention to the balance and nutritive value of the food cooked; the ladle of plain cooked dhal served before the rice and the ...
Participatory Integrated Watershed Development is now seen as the optimum approach for Natural Resource development. This book deals with the subject matter of participatory Integrated Watershed Development. It includes chapters on land use; soil conservation; Forestry; Agriculture; Horticulture; Watershed management and participatory processes.
Bamboo occurs in most parts of India except in the arid and very cold regions. Our country is the home of about 20 principal genera of bamboos out of a total of roughly 50 in the world. These species are both indigenous and cultivated. This handbook presents in a concise form useful information on the vernacular names, description, distribution, phenology, silviculture, management and utilization of important bamboos of India and the description and distribution ...
Denzong or Sikkim - the tiny but pretty Eastern Himalayan state is a botanical paradise. It is one the floristically richest regions of the Indian Union. Its unique phytogeographical situation, topography and the high degree of precipitation, have resulted in enormous plant diversity. Within its 7300 sq km area, about one third species of the Indian Flora are represented. It falls under the hot-spots of one of the megadiversity centres (Eastern Himalaya) on ...
The vast biodiversity of earth's forests provides the human race trees for timber, fuel, food, industrial raw materials (fiber, pulp, oil, dyes, rubber), pharmaceuticals (enzymes, drugs), beverages (tea, coffee, cocoa) and environmental stabilization. In recent years, international concern over the uncontrolled destruction of natural forests has resulted in the global realization that such reserves are finite and are being progressively destroyed without ...
The present book is a short compilation of available information on forest fires. It mainly covers such aspects as what are the forms of forest fire, how to manage and control the forest fire and save our precious forest wealth from its damage. The book will be of great help to the forest officials, villagers, students and researchers who are directly and indirectly involved in forest fire management and control.
The book on Phytodiversity of Some Wetlands of Doon Valley deals with studies on macrophyte diversity of three important wetlands sites namely Mothronwala, Nakraunda and Karwapani situated in different geographical locations in Doon Valley. The introductory chapter deals with wetlands and their classification in general followed by chapters on physical features and status of vegetation of all the three sites. The last two chapters deal with anthropogenic threats ...
Great strides have been made in agriculture production ever since the high yielding varieties of rice and wheat were introduced in mid-sixties. Consequently rice and wheat production witnessed quantum jump within a short span of time. The stocks of food grain are piling up and farmers are not getting remunerative price for their produce. Besides, intensive farming resulted in water-logging in some areas and lowering of water table in others. For the conservation ...
The book on Trees and Shrubs of Haryana is a comprehensive taxonomic account of more than 370 woody taxa including trees. The book provides complete information on botanical names, local names (if any), description, flowering and fruiting time, distribution in the state and notes on economic and/or medicinal uses etc. Selected specimens including those of the author himself are also provided at the end of a number of taxa. The book is supplemented with more than ...
The State of Chhattisgarh is one of the botanically richest and interesting tegions of the country. Although the floristic account of the erstwhile Madhya Pradesh state was brought put based on exploration of 28 (out of 45) districts only, the region under Chhattisgarh was explored by the authors. After the reorganization, the floristic account of the state is not yet published. Present attempt is first in this direction. In this work, taxanomic account of 99 ...
This book contains general information about Jujuba Cultivation and special information about improvement of fruit production and shelf life of Jujuba cv Banarasi Karaka. This book is useful for students, teachers, researchers and fruit growers.
This book is the outcome of the hard work of Dr. Anis Ahmad Ansari, which earned him the Ph. D. degree of Gorakhpur University. It is the first book on the flowering plants of this region of the Uttar Pradesh State. It will be of much use to the foresters and researchers as well.
The book is the first publication on plant resources of the Uttar Pradesh State of India. It is based on survey and exploration work conducted by the author and scrutiny of the literature since 1980. It provides an updated account of the physiography, rivers, lake soils, minerals, population, forest, biodiversity, earlier work and the plant resources in particular. The bibliography provides up to date references of the work done on the floristic diversity of the ...
The book is a humble attempt to provide a handy manual for identification of some indigenous and exotic plants of the valley. The species that are of ornamental value or the ones that have potential of greater popularity are included. Species that are met along roadsides, gardens and scientific institutions have been described along with photographs. The common names in Hindi and English have also been given wherever available. About 118 species have been ...