Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

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The book offers a systemic treatment of the analysis and design of substructures. The aim of the book has been to deal with a substurcture in its entirely, involving soil exploration, laboratory testing,analysis and structual design.
Information regarding 420 medicinal plants which are in use in Ayurvedic practice; belonging to 106 different families is included in this book. I have adopted family as a basis for grouping of these plants. Families are presented in alphabetical order. Species of plants belonging to each family are also presented in alphabetical order of their botanical names. In dealing with each plant, after its botanical name, all available synonyms are mentioned. This is ...
The sixth edition of this classic appeared more than 30 years after Pierre Jean-Prost edited his first volume for the benefit of his students. It is rare, in French publication, to find a book that remains "the" most useful reference material for such a long time. This sixth edition has been completely rearranged to provide, in an even more attractive form, the basic information for starting out as an apiculturist, as well as for a rational management ...
The present volume aims at identifying the biochemical parameters in thrips-host plant interactions. With increased inputs in our understanding of chemical ecology, this volume paves the way for an integrated approach to the study of thrips-host plant interactions, including host preferences and trophic diversity in terms of infestation mechanics and host plant tissue responses to thrips feeding injury. Emphasis has been laid on the elucidation of the action of ...
This work aims at a synthesis of available knowledge of litter ecosystem in tropical forests, from the viewpoint of the sustainability of entomological resources at various levels, laying stress on their biological diversity with emphasis on their functional diversity. At a time when we are losing natural forests at a fast rate through conversion of forest into cultivated land, the thoughts of dwindling biodiversity through lack of litter become predominant. Of ...
Functional dynamics of insects relate to diverse aspects of host plant selection behaviour emphasizing the role of sensory physiology, biochemical attributes and energetics in the regulation of feeding and reproduction. The ability of phytophagous insects to perceive numerous chemical compounds in plants through a highly developed chemosensory system appreciably influences the choice of the food plant. Versatility is an essential prerequisite in insects to ...
Great progress has been made in the past decade in the field of sericulture research. Sericulture technique covering various aspects has also advanced greatly. Like agriculture, in sericulture, as an industry, we look forward to greater development in research and technology aimed at increased production. The text covers the entire gamut of subjects with the latest data relating to mulberry and silkworm. Particular emphasis has been laid on the basic aspects of ...
The story of invertebrate gametes--their structure, origin, composition, physiology, and production mechanisms--was told in Volumes I and II; how accessory sex gland secretions facilitate their packaging, storage, survival, and delivery in Volume III; events leading to and following the union of gametes such as insemination, sperm-egg interaction, fertilization, embryonic and post-embryonic development, embryonic nutrition, eclosion, and larval settlement and ...
There has been a surge in the demand for plant-based drugs and food supplements in recent years. Plant-based drugs are well established in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin American countries. Detailed information about plants and their bioactive molecules viz; Ginseng, Ginkgo, polyphenols of grape and wine, furanocoumarins, podophyllotoxins, rosmarinic acid, fagaronine has been included in this book. The chapters include information on potential medicinal plants, ...
In recent years, several non-conventional breeding methods have been used successfully to improve crop plants. This edited volume reviews the current status and trends in research of different field crops. Individual chapters cover anther and microscope culture, protoplast culture and fusion somaclonal variation and induced mutations in relation to crop improvement. A few chapters describe technologies such as Agrobacterium mediated and particle bombardment ...
Fish Genetics and Aquaculture Biotechnology is an outcome of the International Conference on “Advanced Technologies in Fisheries and Marine Sciences†organized by the Center for Marine Science and Technology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. Representative contributions from the sessions on Transgenesis, Chromosome Engineering and Sex Control Molecular Endocrinology, Microbal Diseases and Vaccines, and Bioactive Compounds have ...
The book disease and Insect Resistance in Plants covers in detail the principles and practices of conventional plant breeding as well as newer and recent biotechnological tools such as marker-assisted selection and transgenic crops. The book is meant as an advanced text and it is presumed that readers will have basic knowledge of plant pathogens, insect-pests and their genetics. The book can also be used as a reference book by plant pathologists, entomologists ...
There has been much interest on the physiology of crops under stress, in recent times. The application of the research findings is yet to be implemented for improving crop yield and quantity. Before that is possible, collection and collation of data on the changes in the physiology of crop plants by stresses (abiotic and biotic), singlely and in combination, are important. While study of whole physiology is must for concept development, it was felt prudent to ...
Research on the physiology of crops under stress is of relatively recent origin and still in the stage of information building; practical use of the information gathered is yet to be made. Research on allelopathy and use of allelochemicals is one such example. The majority of work done focuses on the detrimental effects of living plants and their residues on crop growth, yield and quality, and little attention has been paid, that too only in the last 15-20 years, ...
Water is a vital resource for life on this planet. Unfortunately freshwater resources are scarce and are also under threat from pollution. The majority of lakes in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the globe suffer from the primary and secondary effects of eutrophication because of land-use in the catchment and external loading of nutrients mainly from municipal sewage and agricultural watersheds. This book contains information on abiotic environment and ...
Fish Chemosenses deals with chemosensory systems of fishes and covers the well known olfactory and the gustatory senses as well as the less popular solitary chemosensory cells. Research during the last few decades has shown that chemosenses play an essential role in the Life of a fish. They help fish in their search for food, to consume it and digest it. They also help fish to find their conspecifics and to avoid enemies or predators. Fish ...
Biodiversity of Fungi: Their Role in Human Life covers different aspects of fungal diversity, fungal phylogeny, fungi from little-explored and extreme habitals, endophytes in tropical forests, their diversity and ecology, and biodiversity and molecular aspects of halophilic fungi. Exploitation of filamentous fungi for the degradation of organopollutanis by ligninolytic basidiomycetes, etomychorrizal fungi, aquatic fungi and other fungi along with the ...
Microbial biotechnology is an emerging field of biology with varied applications in agriculture and aquaculture. It has the potential to increase productivity, enhance quality as well as shelf-life of the produce and to develop novel bioprocessing techniques for the conversion of agricultural and aquacultural wastes into renewal energy sources. In agriculture, the application range from microbial biofertilizers to biological control of pests and ...
In the quest of increasing productivity, the multi-tier system 'agroforestry' has assumed wider recognition. Although agroforestry is an old practice, the world over, the term and the science of agroforestry are comparatively of recent origin. The recent agroforestry systems involve a combination of crops and trees and sometimes animals in the land use in such a way so as to obtain maximum production of food, fodder, wood and other products and provide ...
Traditional agroforestry systems, combining the use of trees and shrubs with crops and livestock production, have sustained Indian farmers and livestock owners for generations. This agroforestry term has been heralded as new scientific discipline and the solution to problems of sustaining agricultural production in the country. Looking to the demand and potential, the need for an authoritative up-to-date text on agroforestry had become increasingly apparent in ...
This treatise is a unique, unified and single-source reference book providing the latest and the most significant data on a wide spectrum of medicinal herbs practised worldwide and their chemical ingredients. Of the 550 plants referred to in the book in relation to their phytochemicals, 350 are dealt in detail dovetailing their distinguishing botanical characters, chemical components and biomarkers of all the useful parts, authentic medicinal properties and the ...
This publication, Glossary of Hinduism contains information on all important areas of Hinduism. An attempt has been made to provide a concise Glossary with a view of explaining the various mythological characters. Flow charts have been used extensively for clear depiction of characters and terms, and their relationship to each other. Hindu mythology consists of around 33 crores characters, which is so comprehensive that authorities are often at variance with each ...