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India has been bestowed by nature with many medicinal plants are used in Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani, etc., medicines. The book Indian Medicinal plants provides most authentic and valuable information on medicinal plants of India and its adjacent countries including Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. Therefore, it will be useful to the botanists, researchers, Medicinal Practitioners, drug cultivators/collectors and those interested on the ...
Malpighiaceae - the family of common Indian Madhvilata, is one of the largest families in plant kingdom with about 65 genera and ca 1300 species. But comparatively it has not been worked out satisfactorily. After Niedenzu (1928) no detailed study on this family has come out except for sporadic publications on regional basis. The family has certain features of special interest by which it can easily be recognised. The plants of this family have been put to ...
The enumeration of the species and various vegetation types are also included. Grassland vegetation, vegatation of hillocks, drying ponds, pools, puddles, lakes and riverside are separately enumerated. As the flora changes with season; the seasonal aspect of the vegetation is also dealt with. Biotic interferences more particularly anthropogenic, produce newer areas for the occupation by species. Roadsides, trackside, fallow land, rubbish heaps, crop lands, ...
This compact book contains information accumulated bibliographically on Indian Plants which are used as substitute or adulterant to various indigenous and foreign drugs, beverages, oils, woods, fibres, soap and rubber, etc. The book has two main chapters. In the first chapter under the heading "Plants described" about 335 plants have been included with their botanical names, family and English and Hindi names. A short description, distribution and ...
Fungi of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh contains records of fungi from geographically interesting area of the world, representing sub-tropical, temperate and cold desert climate. The records of fungi from Jammu & Kashmir were scattered in numerous research articles, journals and other reference material including fungi of India and now have been brought under one cover. This authentic and up-to-date list of fungi from Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh would prove useful ...