33 books
Punjab economy continues to be a rural oriented economy. About two-third of state's total population (66.05 per cent) and 70 per cent of the workforce live in rural areas as per Population Census of 2001. About two-fifth of state income originates in the agriculture and allied activities. However, education base of the rural people is very weak and fragile. The literacy rate in rural areas is also very low (65 per cent) compared to urban literacy rate (79 per ...
In the animal kingdom, insects occupy a prime position by their sheer numbers. More than one million species are known and described and many unknown taxa are yet to be discovered. High diversity these wonderful creatures present in terms of their shapes, sizes, colours and functions is truly fascinating. An innumerable number of species of insects are harmful agricultural pests and vectors of disease pathogens in animals and humans on the one hand and on the ...
Papers presented at a seminar on '150 years of Namdhari Movement : a recontemplation', held at Patiala on 7th May 2008.
Papers presented at the Seminar on "Media, Parents and Children", held at Patiala during 20-22 March 2008.
Guru Granth Ratnavali is an attempt to introduce the holy Guru Granth to the world at large. The book presents in outline and succinct form the thought-content of the Granth, a gift of the Sikhs and the Punjab to India and the world. The Granth enshrines in its pages and highlights the principles of a profound spiritualism and a philosophy of religion; it offers to mankind a solid basis for a common spiritual code, so valuable for the edification of the human ...
This book comprises English translation of the first two ragas - Sri and Majh - from the Sacred Volume. To capture the essence and rhythm of Sabda, the holy word, is an uncommonly elusive task. But Prof. Teja Singh had a rare genius for translation. He had all his life studied and reflected upon the bani, inspired, utterance, and he combined literary insight with his imposing erudition. Equally, his mastery of the English idiom was unexcelled. His rendering in ...
The 200 anniversary, this year, of the coronation of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, being enthusiastically celebrated throughout India and abroad under the auspices of the state-level coronation bicentenary concept committee headed by Hon’ble Sardar Parkash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab, provided an occasion and inspiration for a fresh overview of the life and policies of Ranjit Singh and of his times; certain significant aspects that have remained, mostly, ...
Ranjit Singh was of the stuff that legendary characters are made of, and legend has claimed him for its own. He continues to live and grow in the people's imagination, and it has been history's unceasing task to make his historical personality live up to its legendary counterpart. There was that about him which makes men more memorable that their achievements. Men's achievements date; but if there is something about the men themselves, something besides their ...
"Encyclopaedias do not grow on trees". The force in the dictum notwithstanding, the Punjabi University promised to produce one for the scholarly world--an Encyclopaedia of Sikhism. It was a daring undertaking. Happily, the first volume of the Encyclopaedia in a four-part series is now ready. It comprises about 850 entries, covering different aspects of Sikh life and letters, history and philosophy, customs and rituals, social and religious movements, ...
Lexicogrammar is a term used to refer to the study of vocabulary and structure as a system of meanings accompanied by forms through which meanings can be realised. This book has grown out of realisation of the fact that plenty of work has been done in various areas of English language but Hindi and Punjabi, particularly, verbs in these two languages have received relatively less attention from linguists. The present work, presumed to be in two parts, is a ...
The Doctrine and Dynamics of Sikhism is a pioneering work that studies, holistically, in post-modernist perspective, the doctrinal basis and the endogenous institutional evolution of Sikhism.
The postulates of Nanakian thought have been well differentiated from both Indian and western philosophical systems.
Dr. Ahluwalia holds that in contrast to the modern western civilization, based on the category of reason with its reductive-analytic methodology, the ...
The Grand Narrative of Baba Nanak is based on the Janam Sakhis and interpretations of his compositions in the Adi Granth. Amontst others they include Japuji, Sri Rag, Bara Mah and Sidh Gosht. His reflections and meditations on the affairs of this and the other world are presented in the dialectics of anthropology and cosmology.
Each religion has its own personality and is different from every other religion. The religion that Guru Nanak Dev conceived and preached is different from any other religion. This book tells the basic teachings of Guru Nanak Dev in precise, clear and unambiguous manner. Such a book which could tell about the basic teachings of Guru Nanak Dev, in precise, clear and unambiguous manner, was planned in 1969 A.D. as Guru Nanak’s birth quincentennial volume under ...
Sikh Scripture, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, is a 1430 page long psalm in laudation of the Transcendent. Its poetry is all in the spiritual key. It lays down no dogma or prescriptions. The message it communicates is couched in the language and symbolism of love and faith. It is purest and most exalted poetry ever written. Being liberal in design and spirit, the Holy Granth is a major repository of spiritual thought in world literature-thought apparently common to ...
This volume is a rendering into English of Dasam Granth, by the Tenth Master of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh. Dasam Granth is a great poetic work, rich in spiritual conceptualization, philosophical vision and imaginative sublimity. The Tenth Guru carries the same poetic ministry as the preceding Gurus whose verse is incorporated in the Adi Granth.
The book Puran Singh: an Inflamed Heart has been written by the renowned scholar Dr Gurbhagat Singh. The learned writer has tried to give some rare insights into the life, literature and philosophy of Professor Puran Singh, which a common reader may not have come across before. Professor Puran Singh, besides writing in Punjabi, has also written books in English. Having travelled widely, the writer in him grew more mature and experienced and this is reflected in ...