Raj Publications

56 books
This book deals with the important subject of human rights which has been crucial element of philosophical, social and political debates in the second half of the twentieth century and, will probably also constitute a dominant discourse of the twenty first century. While there is increasingly wide-spread concern for universal respect and observance of human rights, gross violation of internationally recognised norms continue unabated in almost all parts of the ...
Series X quickly establish itself as the first ever standard reference book on Bengali Theatre outside Bengal. The resource book plays a major role in familiarizing the reader for the first time with Bengali Theatre from a part or parts of the country which even Bengal is not familiar with. A pioneering and comprehensive account and documentation of Bengali stage which flourished chiefly in Delhi with an overview of dramatic efforts in other states of India. It ...
Sangitasamayasara is a treatise on desi (local of folk) music and dance prevalent in 13th century. This work is ascribed to Sri Parsvadeva, a Jain Acharya who was widely acclaimed for his musical knowledge. This work is exclusively devoted to the topics, terms and technique of the prevalent desi music (vocal and instrumental) and dance. The author favours the artists of desi music and dance more than the artists with the knowledge of only margi music. We find a ...
Children are the citizen of future era. They are assets of nation. It is the duty of every society to provide conducive atmosphere for their development. But unfortunately, they are a suffering lot, subject to toilsome work without having opportunities to grow. India, is the employer of largest number of working children in the world. The problem of child labour continues to flourish in unorganized sector/household industries, therefore, it is recognized as a ...
Increasing population growth and explosion has been the most critical problem for decades now and unfortunately it seems to be getting more and more complicated. Realising the negative effects of rapid population growth on development, India as a first country of the world launched family planning programmes in 1951-52 on a large scale. Despite the long history of family planning in India, the rapid population growth still remains the most knotty and viscous ...
The book epitomizes the recent debate on women’s political empowerment through reservation. Moving beyond speculative discussion it explores the provision of reservation at two levels, by relating the debate to local government and the national government with focus on the status of women, cultural impediments and attitudinal determinants impacting on women’s participation in high level political institutions. Attitudes surrounding the dichotomous division of ...
Series III quickly establish itself as the standard resources on ‘Kalidasa’—the great master of ancient Indian drama. Copiously illustrated with invaluable and rare photographs, this is a bio – bibliographical work that offers a wealth of information on this genius, providing almost everything you need to know about the classical playwright. His, life, date, legends; synopsis, plots, ...
World economy is fast aheading towards globalisation bringing under its fold more and more countries. India could be a silent spectator to these developments. The decade 1991-2000 has been a crucial one whereby the licence permit raj era stands dismantled giving place to laisez faire economy. Today, New Economic Policy (NEP), liberalisation, restructuring of the financial sector and the reforms thereto have opened new vistas of development. Political parties of ...
The post-Cold War world has undergone a radical transformation after the demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the superpower rivalry. Globalization and democratization have become catch words of the international system. The current debate over unipolarism versus multi-polarism, over an inevitable need for adopting market economy, introducing faster economic reforms as well as assessing the impact of the WTO on the political and economic future of Third ...
The book is a comprehensive analysis of the US military aid to Pakistan and its impact on India’s security. The book also attempts to examine the reasons why the US has been supplying arms to Pakistan and what were the latter’s compulsion in striving hard to acquire such sophisticated arms and other military assistance. In the post script the author demolishes the myth that with the end of cold war Pakistan has become redundant for the USA.
The book describes the accounting procedure for environmental issues. Now a days, environment and social issues are attracting attention of public at large in general while accountants and social scientists specifically. In the book an attempt has been made to describe pollution control, measures needed for proper environmental accounting, social and environmental reporting practices, structure of environmental accounting and accounting frame work for various ...
The book describes how the corporate vector may report environmental issues and what the auditor should examine in this regard. Environmental auditing, inter-relation of value added and environmental audit, environmental accountability, pollution control, environmental accounting and various issues of environmental reporting have been discussed in detail in the present book.
This book attempts towards Indian foreign policy making-the actors, factors and process-in the light of recent approaches to foreign policy analysis. Focusing on two important events of recent Indian history-India-China Border War-1962, and Bangladesh Liberation War-1971-it examines Indian policy-making from a near-holistic perspective. Its three dimensional analysis lays bare the strategic calculations, organizational connections and intragovernmental politics ...
A commendable initiative on the part of the writer to bring out a Performing Arts Lexicography dealing with Ancient Indian Music, Dance and Drama from the huge corpus of traditional Sanskrit treatises from Sangitashastras, Natyashastras, Rasashastras to Abhinayadarpanam, a manual on Indian dance. Within the space constraint of a single volume, numerous terms from the three genres are brought together such as Atodya, Svara, Tala, Sangita, Gita, Rasa, Bhava, ...
"This is the first and probably the last encyclopaedia of Indian theatre of this millenium. A multi-volume reference work, the first few of which will be a definite guide to great masters of ancient Indian drama such as Bhasa, Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti, Bodhayana, Sudraka, Vishakhadutt etc. The later volumes will be so designed to give a cornucopia of information. The Indian stage from its beginnings to the present in each linking volumes such us Tagore theatre, ...
The present volume contains forty three contributed articles on ‘Tribal ecology and sustainable development in India presented at the UGC National seminar organized at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. These papers have been grouped under the five categories, i.e. (1) Ecology and Tribal Life, (2) Forest Policy and Tribal Development, (3) Ethno-medicine and Health care practices, (4) General Issues related to Tribal Ecology and (5) Ecology: Biocultural ...
Series II quickly establish itself as a cornucopia of information on thirteen outstanding dramatists, mostly of the ancient and few belonging to the medieval era. They include Asvaghosa, Bhattanarayana, Bhavabhuti, Bodhayana, Dhananjaya, Harshadeva, Jayadeva, Krishna Misra, Murari, Rupa Goswami, Saktibhadra, Sudraka and Visakhadatta. This is a bio-bibliographical work that offers a wealth of information on These major Sanskrit dramatists, providing almost ...
India’s backward class (other than SCs and STs) population is estimated to be 52 percent of the total population and there is enormous diversity among them in terms of occupation, customs and level of development. Beside incorporating a number of measures in the constitution to safeguard the interests of these people, various policies and programmes have been designed to improve their social, educational and economic status. This book is ...
New Era in Indian Economy deals with mega economic policy highlights starting with Foreign Exchange Management Act and the strong dollor inflows. The trend in rupee appreciation that started in June 2002 has continued with the rupee now trading at Rs. 46.90 key reasons for this are the weakness in the dollor and strong dollor in flows (forex reserves are now at U.S. $82 billion). First six chapters are devoted to Foreign Exchange, Banking, Export Finance and ...