25 books
This book is designed to meet the needs of a standard course in field crops. In this preparation the outline for a standard introductory course in field crops recently adopted by the American Society of Agronomy was followed as closely as practicable. It is thought that a knowledge of the fundamentals underlying the production of all crops is desirable before individual crops are treated. For this reason the first part of the book is devoted to a discussion of ...
The book is the outgrowth of a lithoprinted manual published originally by the author in 1939 for use in a course in vegetable diseases offered to graduate students. The number of research contributions in this field since that date is large, which alone necessitated revision. Moreover, the extension and specialization of vegetable culture in the United States has increased the pathological problems on the one hand, while the number of technical specialists, ...
The present volume concentrates the reader's attention upon man in his dual character - as an individual and as a member of society. There are a great number of general texts on introductory sociology; but very few of them give any heed to such basic, Christian truths as original sin, the redemption, and the supernatural life. The authors believe that these truths are basic to a proper understanding of man. They have boldly stated them- not because they have any ...
The object of this book is to present the story of English literature between the publication of the Lyrical Ballards and the end of the Great War in a concise and readable form. With this object the authors have confined themselves mainly to the most prominent writers of the period; references to minor writers have been made as few and as short as possible. At the same time, much of the criticism is directed towards showing tendencies of thought and form, and an ...
These lectures are based on a selection from materials used in teaching at Liverpool, Glasgow, and Oxford; and I have for the most part preserved the lecture form. The point of view taken in them is explained in the introduction. I should, of course, wish them to be read in their order, and a knowledge of the first two is assumed in the remainder; but readers who may prefer to enter at once on the discussion of the several plays can do so by beginning at page 89. ...
Modern nomenclature and classification of many plants has called for considerable changes and rearrangement, for example, Arum Lily is no longer Richardia, it is Zantedeschia; the flowering crabs are no longer to be found under Pyrus, they are now classified under Malus, etc. etc. Such changes, although essential to an up-to-date book, can prove confusing to the gardener who persists in calling his Montbretia, Montbretia, when it is now classified as Tritonia, ...
This short history of India has been written primarily for those who are proceeding to the matriculation examination of an Indian University. It may, however, be found of use to more advanced students and of interest to the general reader. It has been necessary to aim at simplicity of style and to confine the treatment within the narrowest limits of space. When every paragraph, and almost every sentence, has been a matter for jealous calculation, it has not been ...
In the Early 20-century, India under the British crown faced many socio-economic, administrative and political problems. At that time India was the greatest customer of England was the greatest customer of England and employed the best English intellect and manhood. This study by S.M. Mitra, a loyal Indian by conviction mainly focuses on the success of British India administration which has been little less than marvelous, who ruled over this vast land as ...
The present study British Rule in India by eminent historian PE Roberts in two volumes deals with the British administration in India during 1600-1947, both by the Company and the Crown. In fact same British traders and merchants entered into India through sea routes during early years of 17th century when the East India Company was founded in England to trade with India. The first volume begins with the brief introduction of the physical and geographical ...
This books deals with the ethical evolution and development of the moral consciousness. The moral relation of the individual to society becomes indirect and conceived of from a totally different point of view from that of the ethics of primitive kinship or tribal society. The book also discusses the evolution of progressive humanity, which is a historical reality from the beginning of civilization in Western Asia and Egypt upto the present time. The earliest ...
Owing to the New Regulations. It has becomes necessary for all who with to graduate in Medicine at the Calcutta university to obtain knowledge of the structure of animals by dissection. The anatomy of vertebrate types is described in many good books, but the common invertebrate animals of Bengal, which are peculiar to the country, have not been described hitherto in any text-book. It is necessary that the types for dissection should be of common animals, which ...
This study “Medieval History of India’ running in three volumes covering the entire history of Muhammadan Conquerors and almost all Mughal emperors of India is a very fascinating historical document. Beginning from 966 A.D., when Turkish adventures from Turk captured Ghazni in the Mountains of Afghanistan and the first invader Subuktigin who resolved upon a war with the idolaters of India, these volumes contain accounts of wars and conquests of Muhammadan ...