Showing all 8 books
There is not dearth of general books on the art and architecture of India or of the treatment of even Buddhist architecture and monuments in smaller or larger compass. Yet, this is a book with a difference, fore it deals comprehensively with Buddhist monuments with a suitable analysis of Buddhist architecture to serve laymen and specialists alike. Thus, one would get here the salient facts in respect of practically all important Buddhist sites and monuments of ...
A widely acclaimed dictionary, now running into its 48th reprint, has been revised and enlarged by Subodhchandra Sengupta, Professor Emeritus of Department of English, Jadavpur University, Calcutta in collaboration with other senior Professors of English.
Now in its 11th Edition, this popular dictionary contains over 35,000 Bengali words with their meanings in English. A user-friendly guide for all occasions.
This book is a supplementary volume to English-Bengali Dictionary fifth edition available on India club web site as BC 3181. It records and explains the new words and new uses of old words that have come into the language in the last half century. This New Samsad English-Bengali Dictionary of Contemporary English was originally conceived as a long appendix to the fifth edition of the Samsad English-Bengali Dictionary, recording and explaining the new words and ...
This pocket Dictionary with supplement and appendices contains over 30,000 words and phrases.
This book offers a thoroughly researched and authenticated compendium of facts and dates for India's struggle for independence, based on the latest findings, complete with short biographies of the major figures, and a checklist of newspapers and institutions covering the period 1757-1950. This book may be regarded as sui generis in the vast literature that has grown up on the history of Modern India in general and the Freedom Movement in particular. It may be ...