Shruti Publications

26 books
Nayantara is a rebel. Born in the royal house of Sonal Mohur, she and her older brother, Devendra Singh lose their parents in a tragic accident in Nayantara's childhood. The ex Maharaja decrees his granddaughter must be schooled in England. Lonely at first she makes friends, especially with two French girls. Though a gold medallist the Maharaja rejects her desire to go on for a doctorate. A royal match is found for her. After a big blowup with the grandparents ...
This book is concerned with the development of dairy co-operatives in India. It is power time to review the working of dairy co-operatives in India, as co-operative movement has completed its century. This book gives the origin of dairy in general and the co-operative dairy in particular. The role played by private as well as co-operative organisations is explained in the book. The efforts of NDDB, the work done by AMUL, etc has been analysed. The book also ...
In Indian context.
Buddhist Elite is unique book in the literature of the world. Buddhist elite can tress value of humanity, equality, fratemity and jusitice for happiness of mankind. the deeper intellectunal interest in the subject and have a better understanding of how to lead a rich cultural life of peace and happiness. The sociologists like Pareto and Mosca have dealt with ruling elites within society. they are intergrated with ruling class cohesively. The Buddhist Goverming ...
The Book presents an exhaustive study of the Indian English novels written on the theme of the partition of the Indian subcontinent that took place in 1947. It throws light and objectively analyses the causes and effects of the fateful decision of the partition the rendered millions to migrate and an equal number to face horried atrocities, arsoning, abductions, rapes and unforeseen violence. The book covers a good number of novels, right from Ramanand Sagar’s ...
Horticulture Economy of Maharashtra is the outcome of a research work conducted under UGC SAP-DRS. The book covers the horticulture geography of Maharashtra and the major horticulture pockets in the state. The state has potential opportunity to develop this sector compared to the agriculture practices in the state. The state can be called as ‘horticulture state’ if the government encounters with suitable policy measures with visionary actions. The book ...
This collection of the ‘Perspectives’ comprises of fifteen essays grouped under three different sections, namely, ‘Pearl Buck’, ‘New Criticism and the modern Critical Thought in Marathi’ and ‘Appreciation’. Most of these essays are of interdisciplinary and comparative nature. The first section deals with the cultural, religious and political encounter between the East and the West as reflected in some of the novels of Pearl Buck. The second ...
The book presents an exhaustive study of the Indian English novels written on the theme of the partition of the Indian subcontinent that took place in 1947. It throws light and objectively analyses the causes and effects of the fateful decision of the partition that rendered millions to migrate and an equal number to face horried atrocities, arsoning, abductions, rapes and unforeseen violence. The book covers a good numbers of novels, right from Ramanand Sagar's ...