Somaiya Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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37 books
Buddhist Art in India which flourished from the time of King Ashoka (3rd century B.C.) to that of the Pala dynasty (A.D. 13th century) is devoted to monumental and sculptural art. Fresco painting is a salient feature of this period, particularly during the reign of the Guptas.
While the frescoes at Ajanta are a favourite subject of art critics and historians, those at Bagh in Central India seem to have been overlooked. Very few scholars worked on the Bagh ...
Buddhanusmriti: A Glossary of Buddhist Terms is an essential resource for anyone who wants to know more about Buddhism and the Buddhist Philosophy. The work consists of the Introduction, the Glossary, the Appendices, and the Index. The Introduction provides a bird's eye view of the Buddhist Literature. The Glossary comprises selective commonly occurring terms in Buddhism. Most of the terms glossed are in Sanskrit for which their Pali and English equivalents are ...
This includes thirty-five papers presented by eminent scholars at the Seminar. The reason for organizing this Seminar on Buddhism emanates, perhaps, from the ambitious quest for an integrated culture or mankind in transnational and comparative perspective, utilizing the inputs made by the various disciplines concerned.
This volume provides thus an international and interdisciplinary group with the backgrounds as Philosophy, Religion, History, Sociology, ...
Vaisnavism acquired a new philosophical base with the concept of Visistadvaita propounded by Ramanuja who lived in South India in the 11th century A.D. This book explains how Ramanuja Sampradaya which is also called Sri Vaisnavism made its way and developed in the state of Gujarat.
The book contains six chapter. The introductory chapter deals, briefly, with the rise and development of Vaisnavism in general and that of Sri Vaisnavism in particular. This is ...
The Bhagavad Gita embodies within itself much of what is best in earlier Hindu traditions and at the same time speaks to the Hindus of different times and levels of intelligence. It stands out as a historical landmark in raising the level of moral and religious insight. It helped transform a morality and religion emphasizing ceremonial magic into one appealing to intellectual assent. It aided in promoting changes from ideas of self-seeking to ideals of ...
Bhakti; Pathway to God is a compilation of papers presented by the scholars at the Hindu Christian Interfaith Dialogue: a symposium jointly organized by K. J. Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskrit Peetham, Mumbai and Focolare Movement, Italy. This symposium was held from 14th to 19th June 2002 at International Mariapolis Centre, Castelgandolfo, Rome.
Devotion is considered as the shortest route leading to God-realization. The book gives insight into spirituality to scholars ...
This compendium of 23 papers, presented at the 6th Biennial International Conference, organized by K. J. Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi, attempts to examine the different aspects of Buddhist meditation. It explores how the Theravada school of Buddhism has little formal divisions within it, apart from monastic fraternities with slightly different traditions, and yet there are significant differences with ...
Proceedings of the International Interfaith Dialogue Meeting on Mystics in World Religions.
Proceedings of the First National Seminar on 'Spectrum of Jainism in Southern India' , held at Vidyavihar during 20-21 October 2008.
The author is dealing with a variety of important subjects, as important as the new millennium. These include democratic evolution, economic policies, ethics, role of the judiciary and that of the civil services in pre and post Independence India. Dr. Alexander himself was a civil servant and has observed from close quarters the format, problems and challenges of these services and is in a very authoritative position to speak of the future direction they should ...
Music to thy Ears: Great Masters of Hindustani Instrumental Music is a modest attempt to assess the life and contribution of about thirty personalities who have devoted their life-time to the creation, enrichment and propagation of Hindustani instrumental music primarily through performance, teaching and research. The author tries to present profiles of these personalities whom he had seen, heard, met and known on friendly terms, over the years in a ...
This book is devoted to analyzing the factors responsible for the generation of pollutants by sugar and distillery industries and suggesting viable solutions for the problem. It begins by outlining the potential conflict between the demands of productive efficiency in an industry and legitimate concern for the impact of the productive processes employed on the environment and proceeds to indicate in specific detail steps that can mitigate possible damage to the ...
The book gives exposition to the wide and varied concept of the Ragas, which are timeless, without history and chronicle and relate to nothing beyond the moment. This is why most of the books on Indian music are of very little use to any beginner trying to learn music and why so many people feel that music is beyond understanding. And still music is being sung and appreciated. The book gives the reader a few facts on Indian music and tries to convey the wonder of ...
Shiva the source of sacred Ganges, the ascetic whose Tandava dance shook not only the mortal world but even the gods and sages, is in the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and considered to be the most powerful of Indian gods. He is described as the all-pervading Supreme Soul, both terrible and benign, creative and destructive, ugly and handsome. In Shiva, Dr. Shakti Gupta writes not only about the myths and legends around Shiva, but traces the worship of Shiva ...
"Memories of the Second Sex stems from the lively, open and even contradictory voices of thinkers--authors and poets--at a seminar that was conceived around the works of celebrated French writer Marguerite Yourcenar. Focussed on memory, gender and sexuality this scintillating book offers insights rich in depth and sensitivity by women like Urvashi Butalia, Malashri Lal, Rukmini Bhaya Nair and Indira Chowdhury. Rich and vibrant, the voices in the book echo ...
This book narrates with historic background of the region to drive home the point that Iraq should not be seen solely as a place where an authoritarian ruler might or might not have hidden weapons of mass distruction and concludes that an all out war was perhaps not the best means available to the international community to resolve the question.
In a world of instant communication, no country can remain in isolation. The impact of socio-cultural and economic trends receive instant reverberations the world over. This is equally true of foreign policy. While the balance of power and ideology may have undergone changes, the fundamentals of Indian diplomatic expression has remained the same, with its commitment to our national interests and autonomy in all spheres of decision-making. On account of her ...
The salient feature of the book is the description of the minute iconographic details of the images of Varaha found in Madhya Pradesh. The author has critically examined the zoomorphic and zooanthropomorphic forms of Varaha in terms of cosmology and 'Uplift of Goddess Earth' from the nether region. While explaining the cosmological aspect of Varaha in zoomorphic form, the author has interpreted, for the first time, the symbolic significance of the following ...
Buddhism was born on the Indian soil in the 6th Century B.C. But today Buddhism is the way of life for many world around. It has exercised a tremendous impact globally and is therefore indispensable for the understanding of culture, religion and philosophy. For many individuals and groups religion provides a sense of identity. `Buddhism- In Global Perspective' seems to be the key for human transformation. It enables people to recognize that the well-being of ...
The work 'Indian Philosophical Terms: Glossary and Sources' gives an account of the philosophical and religious trends and traditions of Ancient India. The main purpose of the book is to give a clear, comprehensive and critical account of the terms used in different branches and systems of Indian Philosophy. The panorama of Indian religion and philosophy is pretty vast and the present work is designed for all those who want to explore and discover the rich ...
The present book breaks new grounds in being among the first such juxtaposed studies of two great focal centres of Rock-cut Art--one in the lower Tamil Nadu and the other in the Upper Deccan. The former of the two centres was reared under the early Pandyan dynasty of Madurai, and the latter, under the redoubtable Calukyas of Badami. The efflorescence of this art, in these two centres, for Brahmanical religion, has bequeathed one of the richest legacies of South ...