Studera Press

32 books
This book, a collection of 16 essays from colleagues, friends, admirers and students of Professor G.K. Chadha, commemorates his work and contribution to Agricultural Economics, including his role as an institution builder and miscellany of other wide-ranging areas. Professor G.K. Chadha was the President of South Asian University when he left for his heavenly abode. He was founder of the South Asian University, author of over 100 research articles published in ...
Though there is no dearth of literature on CSR, it is more skewed towards theoretical models. The current book mainly aims at fulfilling two long felt needs – providing sufficient depth for an understanding of various facets of CSR and serving as a blue print in the implementation of CSR. The book adopts ‘handholding and guiding’ approach in helping the student/practitioner in various steps involved in practicing the CSR. It also meant to serve ...
The book ‘Dynamics of Population’ addresses important issues at the heart of the problems of developing countries. It provides welcome impetus to empirically and theoretically grounded population geography. It begins with historical demography and covers the sources of demographic data in India and the theories of population. Detailed chapters then cover each of the three main components of population change - mortality, fertility and migration. This ...
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” – Albert Einstein. This is precisely the problem of today. The fault line starts at this juncture where the questions and curiosity meet up the stream lined formal education. When we look at the history of higher education in India, especially during the colonization period and immediately after the ...
The book is a discourse on our current environmental concerns and is tailored to fulfill the requirements of UGC prescribed curriculum on ‘Environmental Studies’ for all undergraduate courses. It will also be helpful to the students appearing in competitive examinations and to any common reader interested to grasp the fundamental aspects of the environment. The book has adopted some novel features and approaches improving upon the already available ...
An excellent commentary on the trends in the Indian venture industry. The contours of the industry have been analyzed and presented to become a valuable resource for everybody who wants an understanding of the Indian venture industry – entrepreneurs, fund managers, policy makers, and researchers.” – Kris Gopalakrishnan, Chairman, Axilor Ventures and Cofounder, Infosys Technologies
“India has emerged as one of the leading start-up ...
Contents: Foreword by Bhai Ashok Singh Bagrian. Preface by K.S. Caveeshar. 1. The milieu. 2. Early life and influences. 3. The Rakabganj Gurdwara agitation. 4. Gurdwara reform movement. 5. Non-cooperation movement. 6. Boycott of Simon Commission, Nehru Report and communal award. 7. Civil disobedience movement. 8. In forward bloc and thereafter. 9. A prolific writer and journalist. 10. A forgotten hero. Glossary. Bibliography. Sardul Singh Caveeshar at a Glance ...
The Communist parties today have adopted a somewhat different perspective on the national question in the subcontinent from earlier days of the fateful pre-1947 period. After an initial neglect of this crucial question, in the wake of the Pakistan demand by the Muslim League the CPI began to uphold the right of self-determination of various nationalities including their right to secede within the framework of a united India.
Post-independence the Communist ...
Applied ethics is a field of ethics that deals with ethical questions specific to a professional, disciplinary, or practical field. There is ample literature available on ethics but there is scarcity of literature as how to apply the principles of ethics in solving the problems of contemporary world. The main objective of the book is how to apply principles and theories of ethics in day-to-day life in our ordinary business of life. There are numerous dimensions ...
The documents in this volume voice the CPI side of the story of their stance on the Second World War and the Quit India movement in the background of the rising demand for national self-determination in the subcontinent.
The CPI has had to face the charge of being traitors and Soviet agents during World War II. But rightist rhetoric and fake nationalism apart, the CPI leadership had a full-fledged theory and practice for its unconditional support to the ...
The significant growth of number of students enrolled in tertiary education institutions in the recent past decades has caused an unprecedented expansion of higher education systems. The rapid and constant social, economic and technological mutations and international competition make the importance of qualitatively well-educated citizenry and labor forces very decisive. Globalization has developed a powerful impact on the development of higher education and ...
Paleontology is an important branch of Geology which deals with past life of the earth from the ancient time. There are several branches emerged from time to time for the need of understanding the earth. Nowadays, Paleontology part in academic syllabi is shortening because specialized teachers are not available to decipher the knowledge of Paleontology to students. This manual will help students and as well as teachers who can refer the manual for descriptive ...
Today’s era is known as Information and Communication Technology era. Every aspect of human life is affected by ICT. The applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in libraries have brought the revolutionary changes in the entire concept of library operations, services and management. Today, the modern libraries are not equipped with print books and journals but also with CD-ROM Databases, Digital Video Discs, Electronic Databases, ...
In this century, social and technological changes have been affecting every profession. During the last two decades, rapid technological development has affected library services as well. Specifically for the last five years, Web 2.0 technologies have significant impact on the higher education sector as well as on the libraries of all over the world.
Web 2.0 is a second generation website that deals with the ability of people being able to exchange information ...
The book tells the untold story of a pioneering anthropologist in India who at the best remained not more than a conscientious teacher and meticulous ethnographer and at worst simply forgotten. Each chapter of the book unfolds a plethora of thrilling facts and enchanting analyses of the contributions of T.C.Das which traces the trajectory of Das' works through time without missing its historical context. The book sets an example of serious biographical research ...