Sublime Publications

169 books
Contents: 1. Introduction to event management. 2. Importance of event management. 3. Types of event management. 4. Event organisation management. 5. Event management in budgets and finance. 6. Planning and managing of event tourism. 7. Event planning process. 8. Media in event management. 9. Event options.
Environmental problems are related to the level of its economic development, the availability of natural resources and the lifestyle of its population. In India rapid growth of population, poverty, urbanization industrializing and several related factors are responsible for the rapid degradation of the environment, environmental problems have become serious in many parts of the country and hence can not be ignored.
Abnormal Psychology is the branch of psychology that studies unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought, which may or may not be understood as precipatating a mental disorder. Although many behaviours could be considered as abnormal, this branch of pasychology generally deals with behavior in a clinical context.
Medicinal plants: Practice and implementation; Herbalist and his practice; Diagnostic system through medicinal plants; Beverage plants and Beverages as medicine; Caffeine, Alcohol; and its sweeteners Herbs and Vegetables; Treatment in the community by medical plants; Essential oils for medicinal purpose; Fatty oils and waxes; Sugars, starches and cellulose products for medicinal purpose; Spices and other materials for medicinal purpose; Future and prospects of ...
We all know that money can't buy happiness... but many times we act as if we'd be happier with a bit more money. We are conditioned to want to be rich (when we know the rich aren't happy either); we are trained to want the latest gadget or style that television tells us to want; we want to earn more money because then we'll have the good life.
The level of education required for a career in social work varies with the type work and work and work setting. In most provinces, the BSW is the minimum educational requirement for entry into the profession. The social worker today possesses a professional authority. He or she is respected by other disciplines and, in the main by client who comes for help. In regard to a systematic body of knowlegde or theory, social work is getting a good start.