The ICFAI University Press

1280 books
This comprehensive book on medical tourism focuses on many crucial issues that have not been detailed earlier. Medical tourists travel as cross-border patients to other countries to avail of internationally benchmarked healthcare services at considerably low cost. This is mainly on account of some restrictive factors in their own country of origin: cost disadvantage, under insurance or lack of insurance, long wait periods, or, inadequate healthcare facilities for ...
Information and communication technology has changed the way of perceiving things and acting in the modern way. With the infiltration of information and communication technology in perhaps every sphere of the human domain its impact is ideally manifested in all angles of perceptions and in most cases the perceptions tend to provide us with a positive feedback. One of the core areas where information and communication technology has made a profound impact is the ...
Though there is a plethora of literature on efforts that aim at making healthcare programs integrated, interdisciplinary and managed in order to reduce fragmentation and improve continuity and coordination of care, they are mostly generic and only a small segment relates to rural issues. It has often been observed that rural people face a unique set of factors creating disparities in healthcare that are absent in urban areas. Living in isolated and remote ...
The traditional and cultural preference for sons over daughters particularly in the Asian countries is causing massive gender ratio imbalances. It is an issue of concern as various social, economic and demographic indicators provide evidence of gender bias as well as deep-rooted prejudice and discrimination against women and girl children. Gender imbalance occurs as a consequence of war, female infanticide, sex selective abortions and governmental policy of one ...
Technology is changing the world rapidly. Massive industrialization spurred the development of technology based systems in manufacturing information technology telecommunications and wireless communication industries. With development in technology the product development process, product development time turn around time and team communications have seen rapid improvements in many industries. Because technology has got significant importance in day to day life ...
Information Technology is vital to banks for developing innovative and effective products and services, which can result in greater customer satisfaction. The recent growth in the banking industry has been influenced y technology and its adoption. Because of technology, the traditional way of working in banks has changed. Implementation of technology has tremendous potential in the financial service industry and banks being part of this system cannot remain as ...
Rural-urban migration is phenomenon that, on one hand, reflects the dearth of employment opportunities in the rural areas and on the other, plenty of the same in the urban areas. Returns from farm activities, which dominate the rural economy, have been steadily declining in the developing countries, in non-farm activities, the returns are not much better. Employment, while being the main driver of rural-urban migration, is not the only one, in recent times, ...
Rural credit is made up of the following: one, credit disbursed by commercial banks, regional rural banks and the cooperative banks and credit societies constituting the formal sector; two, micro credit involving the bank-SHG linkage and the Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs); three credit being extended by the banks through government employment generation programmes like Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana, which involves an element of government subsidy and ...
In the current era of globalization, the role of gender is becoming vital in the socio-economic development of any nation. This has been made evident by the strong influence of Gender related development index (GDI) and gender employment measure (GEM) in UNDP's human development, reports, while ranking different countries (on the basis of human development indices). Thus, analyzing the exact linkage between gender and economic development is becoming an essential ...
Child development refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly it involves an interaction between the two. One of the most relevant aspects in the ...
Biodiversity essentially refers to all aspects of variability evident in the living world, including diversity within and between individuals, populations, species, communities and ecosystems. Biodiversity trends are mainly assessed in terms of declining populations and species, either individually or collectively, when manifest of loss of habitants or reduction in the area of ecosystems. The challenges to biodiversity have been explicit from different facts and ...
A superpower is a global force, a force that can influence countries around the globe. America is the superpower as of today, as it spearheads every nation in all events. China and India, the two Asian giants, are developing and looking at their immense growth, one of them is destined to become the next superpower. America too has realized the potential displayed by these emerging giants. Both China and India have to adopt a few steps to become a ...
The ongoing H5N1 influenza outbreak among birds with occasional transmission to human beings is of major concern owing to intriguing parallels between the H5N1 virus and the 1918 influenza strain. According to the checklist of the World Health Organization, should the highly pathogenic virus acquire the capability of easy human-to-human transmissibility, even the most conservative scenario can anticipate up to several 100 million outpatient visits, more than 25 ...