The Theosophical Publishing House

63 books
The Bhagavad-gita, as it at present stands, is essentially practical in its character and teachings, but these teachings will not be understood unless their philosophical basis is constantly kept in view. The Bhagavad-gita presupposes certain premises which are not explained at length; they are simply alluded to. Here Subba Row presents an original explanation of the underlying philosophy of the Gita.
The book records the results of certain clairvoyant investigations carried out by Mr Geoffrey Hodson on the effects produced by music upon the adjacent matter of the superphysical worlds.
Eight compositions, including Handel, Bach, Mozart, Hadyn and Wagner were studied and the results are recorded here in words and colour.
Mr Hodson's observations arising from his clairvoyant research were carefully taken down while each performance was proceeding, and to these ...
In this most unseal book Geoffrey Hodson, one of the greatest occultists of our times, gives a fascinating account of evolution as it relates to a kingdom of nature parallel hosts, Known in the East as the Kingdom of the Deva-s or ‘the Shining Ones’.
Every religion has its angels and archangels, Legends, myths and folklore of every country throughout the world and in all age speaks of angels and of mischievous imps which delight in playing pranks on ...
The delightful stories appearing in this book are translated mostly from The Commentary on the Dhammapada. Originally published in the magazines The Young Citizen and The Adyar Bulletin, they illustrate the moral teachings of Buddhism in a simple and easy form.
Venerable Professor Samdhong Rinpoche was born in Eastern Tibet and arrived in India with His Holiness The Dalai Lama. He is a distinguished Tibetan scholar, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government in exile and the former Director of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath, Varanasi.
This book consists of a series of talks given to a group of international students at The School of the Wisdom at the ...
This book was published in 1883 and probably constituted the earliest sketch of esoteric teachings given in plain language. 'Karma' and 'Reincarnation' and other such terms, almost unknown in the West, thereafter came to be used in literary and theological circles.
The author candidly acknowledges that it was the 'favour' (of the Adepts) rather than 'effort' on his part that helped the writing of the book. He received teachings from great Spiritual Teachers or ...
This book contains the texts of two talks, one by Dr. Annie Besant and the other by C.W. Leadbeater, on the Fourth Noble Truth of the Buddha's teaching: the Noble Eightfold Path. The talks are clear and simple, pointing out the logical sequence in the steps on the Eightfold Path and above all stressing, by means of easily understandable examples, how they can be applied to dailylife. In such application lies the importance of the Noble Eightfold ...
They was second President of the Theosophical Society (1907-1933), was described as a Diamond Soul for she had many brilleant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist and author with more than three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit. She also guided thousands of men and women all over the world in their spiritual quest. In her earlier days in England she did remarkable ...
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was described by Hegel as a ‘comet that flashed across Europe’. Uncompromising in his commitment to truth, this profound philosopher and religious reformer incurred the wrath of the Catholic Church for his attacks on Aristotelian logic and his championship of Copernican cosmology. He taught with magnificent eloquence the Immanence of god who is Universal Life; the eternity of the spirit, being part of the Universal Life; and based ...
Patnjali's Yoga-sutras is considered to be the most authoritative treatise on Yoga. Condensed in on e hundred and ninety-six aphorisms or sutras are the essential philosophy and technique of Yoga. Over the centuries, scholars and teachers of Yoga have attempted to expand these sutras with commentaries and explanations. This book by Dr Taimni is a comprehensive work giving the text of the Yoga-sutras in Sanskrit, transliteration in Roman, followed by a ...
With the advance of science and technology, religious belief has lost its hold over the minds of vast number of people. The generations reared on science find little meaning in formal religion with its churchgoing, ceremonies, unquestioning attitudes of belief, acceptance of preiestly hierarchies and their interference in personal life. At the same time, the pleasures and excitements available in an affluent society do not fill the void left by their lost ...
Modern theosophical literature, vest and varied as it is, contains two exquisite gems of profound mysticism. They are Light on the path and the Voice of the Silence. The latter was the last gift of H.P. Blavatsky to the world, as it was published only two years before she passed away. This book has a great relevance today as much confusion prevails all over the world regarding Yoga and Meditation, Spirituality and Psychism. The Voice of the Silence helps one to ...
When a man begins to develop his senses, so that he may see a little more than everybody sees, a new and most fascinating world opens before him, and the chakras are among the first objects in that world to attract his attention. His fellow-men present themselves under a fresh aspect; he perceives much with regard to them which was previously hidden from his eyes, and he is therefore able to understand, to appreciate and (when necessary) to help them much better ...
This text book of Hindu Religion and Ethics, first published in 1914-15, was intended to provide systematic instruction in those principles of Hinduism which may be regarded as common to all its many sects. Sanatana-Dharma means the Eternal Religion, the ancient Law, and it is based on the Veda's, sacred books given to men many long ages ago. This religion has also been called the Aryan Religion, because it is the religion that was given to the first nation of ...
The Quran is said to be the most-read book in the world. Its rhythms make it very musical to the ear and easy to remember. For more than thirteen centuries it has been the mainstay, solace, law and moral criterion of countless millions. Wisely understood, it is adaptable for man at every level of culture, of every race, in every age. It is indeed a universal scripture, an eternal world from that deeper Fount of Wisdom that most men have always loved to speak ...
This attempts to reconcile the Raja-Yoga of Patanjali with Hatha-yoga. Hatha is considered to be made up of two syllables ha meaning the moon and tha meaning the sun. They correspond to the breath which flows through the left and the right nostrils. Hatha-yoga is the preliminary step and ends in Raja-yoga Consciously or unconsciously. The Saivagama urges students not to give up the practice of asana and pranayama for keeping the body in perfect health.
Miss Clara Codd was much admired throughout the world for her simple and inspiring exposition of spiritual topics. In this book, with many questions and interesting anecdotes, she explains what the Adepts are, their nature, their ways and teachings for the practical guidance of aspirants on the Path. She also presents the qualifications needed for pursuing the spiritual journey, taking as her basis Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Theosophical and other texts. The ...
It is a Semitic prevalent notion that Islam in common with other Semitic religions does not countenance the doctrine of Reincarnation. The author insightfully examines the Holy Quran and other Islamic teachings to show that Reincarnation is implied in them. He suggests that explicit teaching about Reincarnation might have been inappropriate for the times, as they might have led people to believe in postponing moral reformation to a conveniently receding date. The ...