Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

293 books
Labour Law is an umbrella term and includes the statutes enacted with the object of inter alia ensuring welfare of workers in an industrial establishment. The understanding of a law is never complete without taking into account the judgments delivered by the constitutional courts in the country. However, it is also well-known that today we have more ‘Judge-made’ laws than ‘Legislature-made’ laws making it essential to keep a track of all ...
Before Indian Independence there was not much development in field of labour laws due to lesser number of industries and disputes between the employer and the employees. The laborers were largely exploited in numerous ways like no fixed working hours, no proper working environment, safety measures etc. Due to high influence of political parties whose vote bank was dependent upon the working class, made laws which restricted the employer’s rights. So it has ...
The traditional system of legal education, for various reasons was not in a position to accept the challenges that came with the changing time. A new approach was then introduced by the National Law Universities which equipped the students with recent technologies, techniques & strategies for coping with the changing needs in the field of law. The ‘Court Room Exercise’ or ‘Moot Court & Mock Trial’ practice is now a part of ...
Transfer is an ordinary and usual incident of service. Transfers are the part and parcel of employment. The right of the employer to appoint carry with it the right to post the employee anywhere else, unless the contract of service or the governing rules rule out such a right. This book is concise and practical, but long enough to provide all information pertaining to transfer of an employee. In this revised edition the basic object of the book is retained and ...
I am delighted to introduce to the readers the second edition of this book. Its first edition was published by this well reputed publisher. The first edition gained considerable popularity, but the readers demanded yet another more elaborate addition on the subject. We have therefore elected to present the second edition within a short interval. We have also tried to cover some more topics in this edition which has a collection of up dated rulings in. support of ...
The book Key to Criminal Court Practice & Procedures is a detailed compilation of the myriad procedures and practices fundamental to Criminal Law. The book has been regularly revised and the contents of this book have been illustrated in a very simplified manner, making it easy for interpretation of the reader. This fifth edition has been revised with recent provisions of law on the subject and relevant judgments passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. ...
Universal’s Recent Judgments for Law Competitive Examinations incorporates recent landmark judgments on various significant aspects of law, delivered by the Constitutional Courts of the country in a very concise manner. For the convenience of reading and ease of understanding of the reader, the judgments pertaining to specific subject areas, are segmented into Law Point, Facts and Decision in a very simplified way. Some of the judgments that have been ...
The present book entitled ``Law on Civil Appeals`` may significantly serve the purpose. Every page of this book is crammed full of useful laws and tips which may benefit not only the lawyers but the judges as well. The first and most important benefit of this work is its capacity to promote consistency and predictability in judicial decision-making. These attributes are the very hallmarks of the rule of law and they are no less important in the realm of ...
This book has been written keeping in view the requirements and longfelt needs of management of establishments, trade unions, employees and the government officials. It will also be useful to the practicing lawyers, judicial officers and managers etc., who have either statutory responsibility or help secure these statutory rights to the employees. This publication may also serve as a reference material for the students of Management, Business Administration, ...
This book marks the commemoration of the 125th birth anniversary of Justice Bijan Kumar Mukherjea. He was a great scholar, saint, jurist and one of the most illustrious judges of matchless qualities who served in the Calcutta High Court, the Federal Court as well as the Supreme Court of India and rendered some memorable and landmark judgments. He ploughed the lonely furrow of scholarship keeping the sacred flame of knowledge trim and bright. His life is an ...
The Consumer Protection Act was amended in the year 1991, 1993 and 2002 respectively to make it more effective and purposeful. The importance of the Consumer Protection Act lies in its solemn objective of promoting the welfare of the society by enabling the Consumer to participate directly in the market economy. The earlier five editions of this book received an overwhelming response from all quarters including the Bench, the bar and all those who deal regularly ...
The research on this topic has been carried out with an inter-disciplinary approach and covers various aspects of cyber law, such as, violation of the right to privacy, cyber terrorism and jurisdiction issues etc. The challenges posed by cyber-crime in India are acute and need to be addressed by a secure cyber system. In order to fight the threat posed by different cyber-crimes, there is a dire need for stringent international digital legislations and an ...
The Offence of Rape has been dealt with under the Indian Penal Code not as a mere provision with a limited scope but has acquired a very wide dimension in terms of its definition as well as scope. The obvious reason is the challenge posed by the increasing number of instances of commission of such crimes in the society and a corresponding urgent need to re-impose the deterrent effect of our penal law. Even though the IPC was codified in the year 1860 i.e. about ...
This book is an exhaustive and detailed section-wise commentary on the Indian Stamp Act. This revised edition enumerates all the latest amendments to the Central Act as well as all the recent State Amendments. This book contains extensive notes, comments and case law references in a simple language to assist its readers in understanding the Central Act, various State Stamp Acts, Stamp Duties, Rules and Notifications with utmost ease. This commentary is a concise ...
The book is a comprehensive work on the dynamic interfaces in the sphere of Intellectual Property Rights Law. It brings out literature on the interfaces of intellectual property with reference to human rights, technology, internet, traditional knowledge, biodiversity, neighbouring and allied rights, public domain, competition law and the media with up to date information, case law, and illustrations. The book is useful for students, academicians, and scholars ...
Law and Life deals with the journey of life and the manner in which law contributes to attain true happiness. Since law on different facets of life is gradually changing, the judicial approach is also shifting and evolving new principles of law to meet the requirements of time. The book covers various contemporary topics like live-in relationship, women's issues and empowerment of women under the Constitution, biodiversity and global warming in relation to law. ...
V Mitter Law of Defamation and Malicious Prosecution: Civil and Criminal is a comprehensive commentary on the subject of Defamation and Malicious Prosecution inter alia covering the civil and criminal law aspects of the subject. In this fourteenth edition, all latest and landmark judgments passed by the Supreme Court as well as High Courts in the country since the publication of the last edition have been extensively covered, discussed and elaborated with a view ...
Law of Rent Control in India analyses and highlights the harrnonio construction of Rent Control Acts of different States. The book is mainly based on an assessment of Supreme Court authorities and latest case law on the subject. However, several case law of the Allahabad High Court have also been mentioned. The book has been divided chapter-wise for clear understanding of the law. Apart from taking its readers through the legal aspects and issues, the book also ...
This 13th Edition of the authoritative work is a complete treatise providing extensive and analytical study on the subject of negotiable instruments. The book provides exhaustive section-wise commentary on the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 incorporating all the important judgments of various High Courts and Supreme Court. Attempt has been made to critically analyse the scope of The Negotiable Instruments Act and to present it in a self-explanatory form. Every ...
Law Relating to Societies Registration is a comprehensive commentary covering an in-depth analysis of the provisions of The Societies Registration Act, 1860. The author has elucidated and examined all the provisions relating to Societies Registration with the aid of relevant judgments. This third edition of the book carries the latest case law to keep the readers abreast with the current state of law. The commentary has covered the sections in seriatim following ...
Apart from the basic principles of the legislative drafting, the book also deals with main parts of the legislation of an Act and their importance drafting of legislation, preparing a legislative scheme before actual drafting of legislations, drafting of Constitutions and subordinate legislation.
The book cover almost all the aspects related to legislative drafting. It is capable of teaching the principles and techniques to one commencing adventurous journey on ...
This Liber Amicorum brings together 33 prominent colleagues, friends and former students to honour jurist, diplomat and educator Professor Gu5mundur Eirflcsson. The wide spectrum of subjects covered reflects the variety of Professor Eintsson's roles over the course of his illus-trious career in international law, of interests he has cultivated and of institutions he has so honourably served. The volume's primary focus is on the law of the sea but other topics in ...