Women Press

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Female foeticide and Infanticide in India has increasingly become a matter of concern for all. So much so that even the Media has taken up this cause. In the vicinity of a private hospital in Patiala district, a 30 ft deep well yeided 50 dead fetuses, all female. Despite the PNDT Act, the aborting of female fetuses continues virtually unchecked. The 'unaceptable crime is still flourishing. This 'Silent Genocide' has assumed alarming proportions.
This book ...
The volume seeks to catalyze the emergence a new field of financing and earing of women entrepreneurship. In recent years Indian Economy has achieved a high growth trajectory becoming one of the largest economy in the world. Interestingly, India still has large success of untapped human resources and women entreeneurship to grow even faster in a sustained manner. The contents of book seek to catalyze key finding and to sitmulate debate about future opportunities ...
This book seeks to address the various issues concerning women journalists in India, with special reference to the state of Andhra Pradesh. Taking a close look at the socio-economic and professional profile of women journalists, it examines their prospects in terms of their access to all areas of work in being given special assignments and in promotions.
Further studying gender-based discrimination as manifest in work assigned, salary, and facilities like ...
This book is an outcome of the research carried out by the researches and scholars to bring out wide ranging issues focuing on six major part viz: Social inclusion and Exclusion, Women Health , Gender Issues, Health care utilization, HIV / AIDS and Fertility and Family Planning . The firstsection deals with discrimination of Dalit children in access to health care, caste as social barrier of women development, cultural exclusiveness of transgender persons in the ...
The issues and concerns of older women have received little attention in the literature on women . They suffer from multiple disabilities-being old, being women, being widows, being poorer and being more unhealthy. In this context, the present volume offers a refreshing array of papers dealing with the different facets of older women's woes. The book is a collection of 20 article presented at a National Consultation on Older Women held at Thiruvananthapuram in ...
Philosophy of Education is the Philosophical Study of the purpose, process, Nature and ideals of education. It can be considered a branch of both philosophy and education. This textbook on Educational Philosophy explains all of the Essential concepts used in contemporary and modern philosophy of education in a clear and lively manner by keeping in view the syllabi of several universities and colleges. The book provides the most comprehensive and systematic ...
This book is our endeavour to chart the emerging trends in the issues of women, work and health against the dynamics of today's globalized world. These changes touch the various spheres of women's lives related to the fields of : Gender & Development, Gender, Work & Health, Sustainiability Development in South Asia. This book reflects the innovative thought processes of women across the world and the courage and determination manifested by ...
Contents:I . Gender Mainctreaming at Home and at Work 1 Capacity Building as a Strategy for Empowerment in the Context of Women Construction Workers 2 Children and Adults in the Division of Domestic Labour in Disadvantaged Communities in the outskirts of Beirut 3 Informal Economy and Women Workers 4 Overlong Working Hours and Women's Work in Finland 5 Gender Audits of Budgets with Respect to Women's Health in India II : The Changing World of Work 6 A ...