The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies
36 books
The theoretical part of Panchakarma has been explained in this book with an outstanding clinical appricha. The procedures have been critically analyzed in the purview of the concept of Panchakarma depicted in the compendium supportaed by appropaiate referencees. The subject is presented in such a way that Ayurvedic people can realise the matter with a rational vision and can perform the therapy in daily practice.
Same drug act in different ways based on the route of administration. Different route as nasal route, oral route, vaginal route, urethral route and rectal route are used for the administration of the drugs in Panchakarma. Action of drug is well described in the different compendium and the vlinical efficacy of Panchakarma is well explained and practised thoroughly, but the mechanism of the action of Ayurvedic drug is till unexplored in modern perspective. The ...
Clinical diagnosis is an art with scientific basis, to achieve that art this book is highly useful. To become Ayurvedic physician you must have knowledge of Ayurvedic fundamentals and their role in diagnosis and for plan of treatment for which this book is recommended.
This book is divided into three sections. Section-I (containing 7 chapters) deals with general examination and case taking based on classical methods of Panchendriya Pariksha, Ashtavidha pariksha ...
This book is written closely adhering to the latest B.A.M.S. syllabus and hence is a text book of Yoga for Ayurveda students. Such a book in English was a long cherished wish of the Ayurvedic community especially the students of Ayurveda and will be a boon to them. The book will also be useful for the postgraduate students and practitioners of Ayurveda.The book is written in 4 sections. First section gives a theoretical basis of Yoga. Second section is meant for ...
Ayurveda is well known ancient science of India. It has thousands of years of lineage to survive in this era. This has happened because of uniqueness of its knowledge. To be successful in teaching Ayurveda and treating patients with Ayurveda therapy the most important entity is to diagnose the disease. This is of paramount importance in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda treats and outlooks every single patient as different entity because of the Different combinations of the ...
Ayurvedic surgery has been flourishing day-by-day and Ayurvedic surgeons have now got their due respect in the society It could only be possible by the widespread acceptability of Ksharsutra procedure especially in the management of anal fistula. Anal fistula is a difficult disease to cure by conventional surgery and Ksharsutra procedure is very much effective in the management of anal fistula.Sushruta has explained the importance of Kshara, Agni and ...
The Social Ecology of Disability is a publication of the Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi. The College was established in 14932 to promote women’s higher education at a time before Independence when hardly any institutions for women’s education existed in India.At present the Lady Irwin College, a college of Home Science, has several academic programmes leading to higher education degrees. These are: Bachelor of Science in Home ...
In this book very simple language to interpret the original Ayurvedic text has been used in a manner easy to understand and apply. It successfully projects the application of fundamental principles of Ayurveda into practice through various techniques duly illustrated for processional use.Based on classical and Keraliya Ayurvedic Panchakarma, a comprehensive method of internal purification, this book has been written to convey the knowledge of deep secrets of ...
All over the world scientists are evincing keen interest in Ayurveda and inclined to know more and more about the applied aspects in this “Life Science”. The need of the hour is to look at the various aspects of this holistic science and revalidate the principles. It should not be relegated to the state of being called an “ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE”. It deserves every praise as “PRIME MEDICAL SYSTEM” in view of the scientificity of ...
The main scope of Ayurveda is the preservation, maintenance and the protection of health in the healthy and, the cure of the disease in the afflicted.Ayurvedic medical system lays stress on early diagnosis of abnormal states and adaptation of curative measures. The intrinsic factors of the body which undergo morbid changes are tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and they participate in the evolutive process of pathogenesis of various diseases. The involvement of ...
The book "Foundations of Contemporary Yoga and Yoga Therapy" written by the well known author Professor R.H. Singh, is a comprehensive write-up on the present status of Contemporary Yoga. The book precisely outlines the evolution of the Science of Yoga from antiquity to the modern world. The Foundation of Yoga are laid in three principal ancient texts of pre-Buddhist age namely the Early Upanisads, the Bhagwadgita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.The ...