The book begins with Guru Nanak and his Ideas including achievements as understood by historians. Chapter one concedes that the great Guru stood for the lower sections of the society. In his attiude towards God and Humanity he was catholic, and his Gurbani has enriched the Punjabi language and literature throught Sakhis and sangat institution. The military-political success of the Singhs or Khalsa by the 18th century gave a new dimension to Sikh organization and ideology, Persian language and declining Mughal polity led to the emergence of militant Sikh ideas and literature having local and communal shades. Their spiritual and cultural degeneration was noticed by the founders of Nirankari and Namdhari Movements by 1940’s.
The book refers to the decline and revival also. The annexation of Punjab by the British in 1849 enabled the Christian Missions to enter Punjab openly because the Missionary endeavours were patronized by the Administration under John Lawrence and Montegomery. The region of Punjab was treated by the British after 1868 as if it was a labour market to get recruited the Imperial army.
Apart from English education system the Imperial polity used the newspapers as a means of spying and diplomacy through Metcalfe and Delhi Residency. with this decelopment since 1843 and before it by 1808. Ghadar was a continuing conspiracy against the British wrote he after 1928. David Petrie also wrote on Sikh militancy by 1935 in his Report on the Communists. Our chapter no. six has described it in detail.
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