Objective Agriculture Science: Question Bank as Per New Syllabus

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Recently the new syllabus for under graduate and post graduate of all Agricultural Universities in India has been implemented. Therefore, the request from the students and staff for objective question bank was tempting to authors to write such type of book. They suggested that the question bank should contains multiple choice answers, fill in the blanks, true or false statements as well as match the pairs based on the new syllabus for Under Graduate and Post Graduate Students of the Agricultural Universities in India. Therefore we have taken this challenge to prepare a book based on the agricultural subjects. The questions are collected from various subject matter specialist based on new syllabus on above points. This information is a ready material to the students, teachers, researchers and for Civil Services Examinations (MPSC, UPSC), Banks, Agricultural Officers, NABARD, NET, SET, JRF, SRF, ARS, PG (Agric. CET) Test, Ph.D., ASRB, IRMA, PO, MANAGE and Allied Agricultural Examinations. “Objective Agriculture Science” is designed in such a way that give rapid, easy access to the objective facts of the Agricultural subjects which are mostly important and generally asked for various examinations related to Agriculture and allied subjects. Authors have made 16 sections (Agronomy, Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Biochemistry, Agricultural Botany, Agricultural Economics, Animal Science and Dairy Science, Biotechnology, Entomology, Extension, Food Science and Technology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Agricultural Microbiology, Statistics, and Industrial departments) based on all agricultural subjects which together cover major core information (more than 15,000 questions and their answers) related to all agricultural subjects. This publication is expected to serve as a useful book for providing the required information to various disciplines students, teachers and researchers as well as those want to get admission for higher education and job hunting through various examinations.


Dr. U. D. Chavan received his Ph.D. degree in Food Science from Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s Canada in 1999. He as done International training on “Global Nutrition 2002” at Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden in 2002. He also attended follow-up International workshop on “Global Nutrition 2002” at Hanoi, Vietnam in 2002. Dr. Chavan visited Denmark, Finland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Poland, Spain, Vietnam, Thailand, England, and U.S.A. under “Global Nutrition 2002” Programme sponsored by Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). During this programme he worked on human nutritional diet and disorders as well as on genetically modified organisms (GMO). He has published more than 108 research papers and 70 popular articles in various fourmals of national and international repute. He has authored eighteen books in Marathi, three books in English and eight book chapters in English. He has been awarded “Literary Award” for his best book on “Growth Regular” on agriculture during 1997. Dr. Chavan was selected as a best group leader and best presentation for “Global Nutrition 2002” by SIDA. He has been awarded “Life Time Achievement Award 2004” for his outstanding contribution in post-harvest technology of fruits and vegetables and allied fields by United Writers’ Association of India.


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Objective Agriculture Science: Question Bank as Per New Syllabus
1st. ed.
xiii+734p., Figures; Tables; 29cm.