Despite the long standing commitment to "Health for All", enormous health anomalies continue to prevail among Indian masses. Problems related to judicious distribution of healthcare facilities are many: unequal access to healthcare facilities, limited attention to preventive methods, and profit orientation of the agencies involved are few among them. Rural and tribal communities, being the most marginalized in developmental context, are the worst victims of such maladies. The limited choices in maintaining sustainable health conditions in Indian communities pose great challenges to the democratic fabric of the nation-state. The articles in the present volume examine various issues related t health dynamism of Indian communities in the totality and propose to furnish remedial suggestions in contemporary context. The book will be of utmost interest not only for the social scientists and activists but also for health practitioners and policy makers.
Health Dynamics and Marginalised Communities
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Health Dynamics and Marginalised Communities
1st ed.
Rawat Publications, 2007
xx+283p., Tables; References; Index; 23cm.
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