Plantation forestry has been emerging as a strong attraction to the traditional forestry practice due to its acceptability and productivity improvement. After enunciation of national forest policy, 1988, plantation forestry has been encouraged to generate raw materials for domestic as well as industrial needs. This has accelerated the promotion of social, farm and agroforestry programmes in the wastelands and other marginal farmlands of the country. All these activities warrant a reference material with a compilation of various social and agroforestry programmes coupled with need based management system to create awareness on forestry related activities.Against this backdrop, this current textbook was attempted through interdisciplinary approaches in order to compile the existing information on social and agroforestry programmes and made them available for all levels of stakeholders to achieve higher productivity and environmental amelioration. Hence, this book entitled "Social forestry and agroforestry" which includes judicious mixture of all basics and fundamentals coupled with advanced silvicultural technologies. This book was initially targeted for farm under and post graduates and later on cloned to meet the needs of wood based industries, plantation managers, professional foresters, researchers and farmers.The contents in the book covered wide array of subjects, which traced the history of forestry in India and their role coupled with recent plantation activities. The book incorporated 15 chapters and the first three chapters dealt with role of forests both tangible and intangible benefits along with historical evidences of various forestry activities. This besides, the role of various national forest policies in guiding the forest management system have also been dealt. The subsequent three chapters contained issues related to social forestry, social forestry plantations and projects and also joint forest management in Tamil Nadu. The chapters seven to ten dealt with the basic concept, benefits and constraints of agroforestry, classification of agroforestry systems, integrated farming system for different regions and also the role of agroforestry on watershed management. The trees play major role in augmenting edapho-climatic factors and hence a separate chapter on role of trees on soil and water conservation and soil fertility was included for use by watershed mangers. Agroforestry plays a significant role in wasteland development. Hence a separate chapter on classification, extent of wastelands in India and also the development of wastelands through agroforestry was included.The economic viability of any farming system is a matter of concern. Hence, a separate chapter on economic analysis of agroforestry systems has been incorporated with all tangible and intangible evaluation. Lastly, the book inculcated the silvicultural technologies of important tree species suitable for timber, industrial, biofuel and energy.Hence, this book is a comprehensive information system with all aspects of forestry and agroforestry, which can be a reference material for graduating students, professional foresters, farmers and others who are venturing for tree husbandry.
Social Forestry and Agroforestry
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K. Srinivasan, an eminent demographer and population program specialist, is currently executive Director, Population Foundation of India, and Chief Editor of the journal Demography India. During his distinguished career, he has been Director of the International Institute for Population Sciences, Bombay; Senior Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra; and Visiting Professor at the Univesity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA. Professor Srinivasan also worked with UNESCAP, Bangkok, and was awarded the prestigious Scroll of Honour by the Government of the People's Republic of China in 1983 for his outstanding support in developing population research in that country. Professor Srinivasan has previously authored, edited or co-authored ten books and around a hundred technical and research articles. His recent publications include Regulating Reproduction in India's Population: Efforts, Results, and Recommendations and Population Policy and Reproductive Health (edited).
He is the Professor and Head of Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. His experience in teaching research and extension is over 21 years. He has guided 10 M.Sc. (Ag.) and 17 Ph.D. students. He is a recognized guide of Bharathlar University, Coimbatore. He has undergone one year training in Tree Seed Technology at Mississippi State University, USA. He has published 278 research schemes as Principal Investigator funded by various National agencies. In recognition of his outstanding contribution, he has been awarded with 'Best Post-graduate Teacher Award' in 1998. 'Best Scientist Award in Agro-Forestry' in 1999 and 'Madras Agricultural Students in Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Gandhi Gram Rural Instt., Deemed University. He is also consultant to Kerala Forestry Project. He has traveled to several countries in connection with Forestry research and education viz., USA, Japan and Canada.
Dr. K.T. Parthiban, Assistant professor of Forestry, Forest College and research Institute Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam has 13 years of experience in the field of UG and PG teaching, research and extension service. He worked as a research fellow in Ireland during 1992-93. He has visited a number of countries to get training in plant transformation techniques. He has excellent research experiences by acting as a Principal Investigator and Co-principal Investigator in a number of research projects funded b various agencies at national and State level and currently investigating 5 research projects. He has authored 5 and published 12 research papers in International Journals & Newsletters and 12 in National Journals. He has presented & papers I various National and International conferences and seminars and published a number of popular articles in English and Tamil.
M. Govinda Rao is Director, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi.
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Social Forestry and Agroforestry
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Social Forestry and Agroforestry
1st ed.
xvi+316p., Plates.
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