A Decision Support System (DSS) can be defined as the combination of data, information and computer and non-computer-based tools and services working within a structured framework to improve the process and the outcome of decision-making. DSS offers flexibility, adaptability and a quick response to its users. The world is full of uncertainties in which business decisions are being taken every day, every hour and every minute. Decision-makers need access to lots of processed information to ensure with reasonable predictability of the possible impact a decision may have on their long-term business survival and their day-to-day activities. DSS fills this void by enabling the decision makers to pull data from several sources, both internal and external to their organization and process and present it in the required format to facilitate efficient decision-making. Unlike Management Information System, DSS not only provides information support but also generates multiple decision alternatives, evaluates them and suggests the best suitable alternative for a given situation. From production planning in a manufacturing unit, to planning a disaster recovery against natural calamities, to planning socio-economic development by government, to institutional research and so on, the application of DSS is gaining importance in every sector of the economy and every walk of society. This book attempts to provide a basic knowledge about DSS and its applications. It is hoped that readers will find the contents of this book interesting and a value addition.
Knowledge Integration: Concepts, Frameworks and Applications
Regardless of industry, size ...
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