A N Sarkar

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Showing all 22 books
Global climate has undergone phenomenal changes over past centuries, leaving behind trails of devastation of all conceivable kinds. Accumulated scientific evidences suggest that these changes are mainly triggered by intensive and wide-spread use of fossil-fuels and various anthropogenic actions, causing green-house effect and consequential global warming. The resulting impacts of these are evident in the forms of melting glaciers, rise of ocean water, natural ...
This book presents a comprehensive treatise on the present state and long-term vision of the New Development Bank (NDB) of the BRICS headquartered at Shanghai, China. The Bank is an attempt at financial and economic cooperation among the economies of the BRICS countries. The volume tries to present proper documentation on the historic evolution and current spate of development and future growth prospects of BRICS' member-countries. It deals with the history, ...
First Green Bank is the first bank of its kind to promote positive environmental and social responsibility while operating as a traditional community bank. Our bank staff invite you to visit and explore how we can assist you with your banking needs.
Global warming and consequential climate change pose the greatest threat and challenge for the survival of the humanity and other life forms in this planet. There is a universal recognition and unanimity now by the global community at large that the earth's climate is changing rather more rapidly in recent years than in the past with disastrous and irreparable consequences. This, among other things, is largely due to phenomenal anthropogenic interferences, ...
The book provides the reader valuable and updated information on the scientific basis for global climate change, the parameters to measure their impacts, various policy and programme measures to abate climate change and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and the International funding and cooperation to supplement the regional and domestic efforts. It concludes by exploring the nexus between climate and energy security. Its overall aim is to create a deeper ...
In the present time of uncertainties over the future of our environment and the ineptness shown by our leaders in taking tough decisions, the Copenhagen Summit in 2009 was seen as a ray of hope. However, there was very little that resulted from it. In the light of such a turn of events, this is a book which evaluates all the options for saving our planet, our present environmental policies and also tries to carve out the road ahead, not just for the ...
A sound knowledge of different facets of petro-economics is a sine quo non particularly for the petro-chemical sectors dealing with exploration, development, production, refining, transportation, storage and marketing of oil, natural gas and a wide range of petro-products. Evolution and application of the concept of petro-economics, following the first ever major 'oil shock' in the early 1970s has gained strategic significance and tremendous momentum from ...
This book covers the new strategic intent of nations to secure energy resources for themselves. This concept implies how nations judicially optimize the basket of energy resources and their secure supplies for a foreseeable future so that the wheels of their economy keep on running smoothly. This looks into various international treaties, secure reserves and development of strategic reserves.
The post-reforms era in India has been marked with economic liberalisation, privatization and globallisation, especially following India’s entry into WTO. In sequel to economic, banking and cooperative sector reforms the country has witnessed an economic transformation, so much so that its GDP now stands next only to the Republic of China in Asia. Two distinct facets that made the economic transformation possible in the pursuit of integrating Indian economy ...