B.B. Kumar

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India Central Asia relations take us to the remote past. Toynbee takes back the relationship of Sanskrit people to Seventeenth century B.C. The relationship has been continuous, uninterrupted and multidimensional. It was religious, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, literary, commercial and political. The book deals with all these aspects in the frame of our shared past.
The Case is the unique social institution in the world. It is also the most misunderstood and deliberately misinterpreted and highly maligned system. The book tries to view caste in proper perspective. It was subjected to misinterpretations by the British colonial administrators and scholars. The book discusses the same and the ‘Colonial Theories of Caste’ in detail.
The book discusses professional mobility and the job-reservation in India. It also informs about the Backward Classes commissions and their reports.
This study seeks to analyse the process of Naga identity formation in the broader framework. Tracing origin and history of the Nagas, it discusses at length their migration, culture, social structure, ethnicity, religion, languages and village polity. Also, it deals with the politicization of the Naga identity. The role of the Institution of Morung among the Nagas has been examined as well.
This compendium of twenty-three papers, presented at a national seminar, organised by Astha Bharti, Delhi, in association with the Centre for North East Studies and Policy research, addresses a wide range of issues concerning the complex problem of illegal migration from Bangladesh. Tracing the factors responsible for illegal migration, both historical and politico-economic, the contributors analyse its implications for India I general and the North eastern ...
The volume in the collection of the papers contributed in the International Seminar on "India and Central Asia: Classical to Contemporary Periods" and some papers published in the Quarterly Dialogue of the Astha Bharati, Delhi. The Central Asia forms part of our immediate neighbourhood in East Central Asia and extended neighbourhood in the West. India was geographically nearer to the Central Asian Republics before Partition of the country in 1947. Apart ...
It is a well-known fact that the North-East region of the country is beset with insurgency and ethnic problem of various dimensions. Astha Bharati, Delhi, organized a seminar on "Problems of Ethnicity in the North-East India" in July 2006. The senior educationists, administrators, journalists and others, including Former Vice-Chancellors, Former M.P., University Professors, Former Home Secretary, Former Governors, Former Police Chiefs, editors etc., ...