Showing all 5 books
Ramayana is one of the greatest Indian epics, originally written by sage Valmiki some ten thousand years ago. Overtime, many other versions of Ramayana have appeared, the Tulsee Ramayana, commonly known as Raamacharitamaanasa being the most popularly read and adored by millions of people. Its beautiful verses are gems of wisdom that have inspired and motivated people of all faiths all over the world.
Ramayana is not only a religious or devotional classic, but a ...
Yoga is the science and praxis of obtaining liberation (moksha) from the material world. It not only points the way to release, but offers a practical means of attaining enlightenment by purifying the entire being, so that the mind-body can experience and absolute reality underlying the illusions of everyday life. In fact, yoga is not just a science but a way of life, a culture to live and live happily. However, in the present materialistic world, a time when ...