Braham Singh

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With the development of the Behavioural revolution in the U.S.A., there was a radical change in the approach to the study of Political Science and its various branches. There was a metamorphosis in its contents and the approaches to its study and analysis. Due to the impact of this Revolution, the Indian university had not only recast their syllabi, but were compelled to incorporate many topics, which never formed a past of the traditional approach to the study ...
The basis of Indian society was a sort of realistic idealism. The practice of life was made the agree with its philosophy, there was no partition wall in the Indian mind between the secular and the spiritual, which were peculiarly blended into a harmonious whole. In his relation to the east of society, the individual, according to the Indian scheme, lays stress upon his duties-his dharma by which he is to secure his own advancement, and thus may be distinguished ...
In matters of administration the British Parliament was made the supreme authority, It enforced its control through the Governor-general. The British rule stood on three pillars -the civil service, the army and the police. This was so for two reasons. For one, the chief aim of British Indian administration was the maintenance of law and order and the perpetuation of British rule. Without law and order British merchants and British manufactures could not hope to ...
As a field study, comparative study is as old as politics, ever since man became conscious of its environment and felt interested in studying his environment and institutions. He also became interested in studying how other men were living in different society and which way of living was better than the others. As a part of this exercise, the students of politics naturally started studying and comparing the governments and political institutions of various ...
Indian cultural influence deeply permeated the soul of diverse races and enabled them in many cases, to emerge out of primitive Barbarism. India, thus radiated her cultural influence across the mountains and seas, far beyond the frontiers that nature set up for her, and played a larger part in civilizing Asia than perhaps even Greece did in respect of Europe. This is what we mean by Greater India" Dr. R.C. Mahumdar. Ancient Hindu religious law givers ...
It is impossible to think of a country without a constitution of some kind. The constitution of a country may be enacted or it may be largely based upon conventions. The Constitution of the U.S.A. is an example of an enacted constitution, whereas the British Constitution is mostly grounded in conventions. A constitution indicates the pattern of the state. It binds the ruler and the ruled and makes possible the proper adjustment of the power relationship. The ...
History is a continuous flow from the beginning to the end as such it is very difficult to divide it into any water tight compartments. But still historians have tried to divide it into ancient, medieval and modern periods. This book is briefly complied to present the historic events of India during medieval period. The topics selected here would be of great use and interest for the students and teachers of history. The brief description of events and struggles ...
History is a continuous flow from the beginning to the end as such it is very difficult to divide it into any water tight compartments. But still historians have tried to divide it into/ancient, medieval and modern periods. In India the modern period begun in the 18 century and after 1707 when last Great Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb breathed his last with the passing of Aurangzeb the old edifice begun to crumble giving place to new ideas and new institutions. Old ...
In our modern times no political system can be either permanent or stable. If that becomes so, that is bound to degenerate itself and can conveniently be placed under the category of a state or degenerated system. Such a system is bound to create many lags in socio-economic systems as well. In fact, with the coming of awakening in every section of society all over the world, the systems have rapidly started changing and new systems quickly attract the attention ...
The term 'Political System' refers to a new way of looking at political phenomena which was previously covered in old texts under such terms as 'government', 'nation' or 'state'. It does not, however, mean that political system refers only to a change of name. It refers to something much more. It includes not only new names for old things, but also some new terms to refer to activities and processes which were not formerly recognized as being parts of aspects of ...
The basis of Indian society was a sort of realistic idealism. The practice of life was made to agree with its philosophy, there was no partition wall in the Indian mind between the secular and the spiritual, which were peculiarly blended into a harmonious whole. In his relation to the rest of society, the individual, according to the Indian scheme, lays stress upon his duties-his Dharma by which he is to secure his own advancement, and thus may be distinguished ...